Stockholm university

Classical Languages

Latin and Greek were Europe's great languages during antiquity and also later. They are no longer spoken but still affect us to a great extent. We read antique literature, see Greek dramas and use daily loan words from the classic languages. As one of the foundations of Western culture, they have formed our thinking and our way of expressing ourselves.

Flore und Blanscheflur
Flore und Blanscheflur, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 362

Subject description

“Classical languages” is a collective term for the Greek and Latin which were spoken and written around the Mediterranean and in Europe from 700 BC. to the 18th century. Many countries where these languages were used have an exciting and rich history and the languages continue to play an important role in our contemporary literature, art, philosophy, language research and science.

All courses at advanced level in Greek and Latin are part of our education in the field of Classical Languages. Our undergraduate courses can be found in the descriptions of each language.

The education in classical languages involves a deeper understanding of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained from the undergraduate education. You develop your prerequisites for professional activities and prepare for further studies at doctoral level. You gain in-depth insight into current research and development work  and, besides that, in-depth knowledge of theory and methodology.

Courses within the main area concern both language and literature. You will study the development and variation of the different languages and learn what unites and differentiates them. You learn how the literature in these languages has evolved and how they relate to each other from a comparative perspective. The insights are applied and deepened within the selected language areas. The teaching may be given in English.

The degree-giving courses in the main area include master's degrees with specializations on the two languages with either a language or literature scholarly orientation and medieval studies.

Career opportunities

Studying Classical Languages opens doors to a labor market that values intercultural and historical competence. These studies provide you with a wide range of skills and analytical tools to help you think independently and creatively.

After studying classical languages, you are suitable to work in areas such as language research, history and in the cultural sector (museums, libraries and publishers). You can also work as a translator.

Courses and programmes

  • PhD studies

    We offer postgraduate education in classical languages with an emphasis on ancient Greek or Latin.


For a master’s degree in Classical languages you can choose to study individual courses or join one of the master’s programmes listed under Educations within the subject.

More information about degrees at Stockholm University


Within the subject Classical languages, research is conducted primarily within the linguistic field as well as text editing and scientific studies within the field of philology.