Stockholm university
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History of Dress

History of Dress 7,5 credits can be taken as a Free Standing Course and is also a mandatory part of Master's Programme in Fashion Studies.

Royal Armoury
For her course within the Master’s Program in Fashion Studies, Associate Professor Paula Von Wachenfeldt and her students had a guided visit at the amazing Royal Armoury in Stockholm. The history of dress cannot be experienced in a better way!

Fashion has often been the subject of different social, political and cultural debates that have contributed to its formation and development. This first unit identifies the terminology that is used in the field of fashion studies and examines the controversies and questions that were raised in regard to the dress. Moral discourses on identity, gender and consumption constitute in addition one of the central themes of the course. The history of dress offers an extensive understanding of the role of dress in western society and its contribution to the establishment and conversion of different customs and values. This course within the Master’s program in Fashion Studies brings into focus the western dress with a particular attention to French socio-cultural history between the seventeenth and the nineteenth century.