Stockholm university

Information and forms for note-takers, exam invigilators, etc.

If you are hourly employed as a note-taker, exam invigilator, etc., to support students with disabilities, you can find useful information about your job and wages on this page.

Read on for information about working as a note-taker, hourly pay rates and how to register your bank account information. You will also find the forms that you need to submit to receive your wages as well as information on how to fill out and submit them.


As a note-taker, you help students on your course who need assistance with taking notes during lectures and who have been granted note-taking support. With the support of a note-taker, the students can focus on what is said and shown by the lecturer. If you are interested in working as a note-taker, contact the study counsellor at your department to see if there is a need for a note-taker on your course.

Procedures for note-taking

  • Note-taking support is given during lectures and seminars where a lecturer or teacher is present.
  • The students must attend the lecture or seminar in order to receive the notes.
  • Your notes should summarise the information given during lectures and seminars clearly and correctly. 
  • Only one person per course is compensated for working as a note-taker, and notes are shared with all students who have been granted note-taking support.
  • The notes should be given or emailed to the students directly after the lecture or seminar.
  • If you are emailing the notes to several students, send them as separate emails or as blind carbon copies (BCC) to protect the integrity of the students. 

Working hours for note-takers

The duration of the lecture or seminar is what counts as the working hours you are compensated for. Wages are only paid for actual time spent taking notes during the lecture or seminar, and recesses are not included in the working hours. You are compensated for one set of notes for any lecture or seminar, even if the notes are given to more than one student.

The department is responsible for making sure that the working hours you are seeking compensation for and the schedule of lectures and seminars correspond. A study counsellor, or staff member at the department of similar authority, verifies this on the wages form by signing it.

  • Note-taker: 100 SEK/hour not including holiday pay. Wages are paid for the duration of the lecture or seminar, recesses are not included.
  • Exam invigilator: 170 SEK/hour, not including holiday pay, on weekdays before 6 pm.
    210 SEK/hour, not including holiday pay, on weekdays after 6 pm and on weekends.
  • Guide/support for students with visual impairment or writing assistant: 165 SEK/hour, not including holiday pay.

In order for your wages to be deposited directly into your bank account, you have to register your bank account information with Danske Bank.

If you have not previously worked for and received wages from Stockholm University you cannot register your bank account information with Danske Bank until your personal information has been submitted to the University’s payroll system. This will occur when you submit your first wages form ("Arvodesblankett") to Student Services. You will be notified by email when you are able to register your bank account information with Danske Bank.

To notify Danske Bank of your bank account information you will need BankID. You will also need to provide Stockholm University’s customer number at Danske Bank. The customer number is 79200.

Register your bank account information at Danske Bank

Registering your bank account information with Danske Bank does not make you a customer of the bank. You have to register your bank account information even if your account is with Danske Bank. If you do not register your bank account information with Danske Bank, you will receive your wages by a pay cheque that you have to deposit into your bank account yourself. 


The form "Arvodesblankett" (Wages form) must be filled out and signed in order for you to receive your wages. A study counsellor or other staff member at your department must sign the form to verify that the information is correct.

In addition, the form "Löne- och tidrapport" (Timesheet) must also be filled out. On this form, the dates and hours that you have worked should be filled in and summarized as accurately as possible.

On the forms, it is important to fill in the name of the student who has received support through your work. If you have supported more than one student through your work, you must fill in the names of all the students on the form.

The forms are in PDF format with form fields that can be filled out digitally on your computer. Save the PDF documents to your computer and open them in Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to save the changes you make in the form fields of the PDF. If you prefer, you may instead print the documents and fill them out by hand.

Please note that the forms are currently only available in Swedish. You may email us at if you have questions about filling out the forms.

Arvodesblankett (173 Kb)  (Wages form)

Löne- och tidrapport (138 Kb)  (Timesheet)


When the forms have been filled out and signed, for example by a study counsellor at the department, they should be submitted to Student Services. The forms should be sumbitted monthly.

There are two ways of submitting the forms:

  1. Leave the forms at Infocenter, located on the ground floor of Studenthuset, Universitetsvägen 2B

  2. Mail the forms to:
    Stockholms universitet
    Särskilt pedagogiskt stöd
    106 91 Stockholm

The forms must have been submitted to Student Services at the latest on the 5th of any given month in order for you to receive your wages around the 25th of the same month. For example, forms submitted on or before the 5th of February will result in wages being paid on or around the 25th of February.

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