Stockholm university

Jan Ellenberg appointed Director for SciLifeLab

The SciLifeLab board has appointed Professor Jan Ellenberg as the new Director. Alongside this role, Professor Ellenberg will also be appointed as a Professor at Karolinska Institutet and Affiliated Professor at Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He succeeds Professor Olli Kallioniemi, who has served as SciLifeLab Director since 2015.

Professor Ellenberg is moving into his new responsibility from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, where he serves as the Head of the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit at as well as the Head of the EMBL Imaging Centre. 

Jan Ellenberg
Jan Ellenberg. Photo: Stuart Ingham/EMBL

"I am honored and excited to take on the role of Director at SciLifeLab, with its strong international reputation for fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and driving cutting-edge research in the life sciences. I am excited to lead the future development of SciLifeLab, at a time of unprecedented opportunity where the life sciences start to make living systems predictable and are increasingly important for society”, said Professor Ellenberg.

Professor Ellenberg is renowned for his groundbreaking research in cell biology, particularly in the areas of advanced imaging and the study of cell division and was chosen as honorary doctor at Stockholm University 2023. 

As a professor at KI, SU and KTH, Jan Ellenberg will also build up a new research group on cell division and nuclear organisation and looks forward to engaging in new collaborative opportunities at SciLifeLab, including new technology development and translational aspects of his work.

“On behalf of the entire Board, it is my great pleasure to welcome Jan Ellenberg to SciLifeLab. With his exceptional leadership and vision, I am confident this appointment will continue to drive SciLifeLab’s mission forward, fostering impactful research and data infrastructure, and excellence in life sciences”, says Ylva Engström, Chair of the SciLifeLab Board.