Stockholm university

Research in focus at the university’s annual celebration

On the 27th of September it is time for Stockholm University’s annual inauguration and conferment ceremony in the Stockholm City Hall – the most traditional of our academic ceremonies. The ceremony celebrates new doctors and new professors as well as honorary doctors.

The Inauguration and conferment ceremony 2024 takes place on Friday 27 September in the Stockholm City Hall. Photo: Rickard Kilström

The inauguration of new professors and the conferment of new doctors are both traditions dating from the Middle Ages and are the two most important of the Swedish academic traditions.

“The ceremony is the great celebration of the year when we can display research, pay tribute to knowledge and pay attention to those who contribute to important scientific work. To me, one of many nice things about the ceremony is that new doctors and so-called jubilee doctors are conferred at the same time. This illustrates that they are all a link in the chain that is Stockholm University’s history, development and future,” says Ingrid Harris, master of ceremonies at Stockholm University.

During the ceremony those who defended and obtained their doctoral degree during the past academic year will be conferred. This year, 166 new doctors are participating in the celebration. In addition, 27 new professors will be inaugurated.

Those who received their doctoral degrees at Stockholm University 50 years ago are also invited to the celebrations and will be conferred as jubilee doctors. The University’s gold medals and the Award for Good Teaching will also be awarded.

The inaugural lecture will be given by Andreas Madestam, professor at the Department of Economics, who will speak about “Measuring the wealth of nations: development viewed from above”.


Six new honorary doctors

Six honorary doctorates will also be conferred at the ceremony. An honorary doctorate is an expression of the University’s appreciation of outstanding contributions within one of the University’s fields of activity. The appointed honorary doctor must be connected to Stockholm University or have contributed to the university’s activities in some respect.

This year’s honorary doctors are: Zhaojun Bai, Magnus Florin, Katja Franko, Phoebe Okowa, Camille Parmesan and Matthias Tschöp.


Live broadcast

The Inauguration and conferment ceremony 2024 takes place on Friday 27 September at 17.00 in the Stockholm City Hall. It is broadcast live.


More information

Honorary doctorates 2024


The Award for Good Teaching 2024