Olof Somell of the Nobel Prize Museum lectures on the history of the Nobel Prize
Olof Somell of the Nobel Prize Museum lectures on the history of the Nobel Prize

Together with the Nobel Prize Museum, Kulturhuset Stadsteatern and others, Stockholm University celebrated Nobel Week under the banner of Nobel Calling Stockholm. The week began with a "big bang" on day one: Olof Somell of the Nobel Prize Museum gave a pre-lunch talk on the history of the Nobel Prize to a gathering of hungry students. This was followed directly by the live broadcast of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on the "silver screen" in Studenthuset. Staff from the Nobel Prize Museum were on hand to give out Nobel medals – of the chocolate variety.

On physics, the Nobel Prize, beauty and knowledge

Frank Wilczek on physics, the Nobel Prize, beauty and knowledge
Frank Wilczek on physics, the Nobel Prize, beauty and knowledge

In the evening, Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate and professor at the University's Department of Physics, conversed with host Johanna Koljonen, to a full house, on physics, the Nobel Prize, beauty and knowledge. When asked by Johanna if he had a favourite to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, Frank replied, “a recognition of the discovery of exoplanets would be fun”. This turned out to be correct when, the following day, half of the 2019 Physics Prize went to Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, "for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star."

Nobel competition

Staff from the Nobel Prize Museum were on hand to give out Nobel medals – of the chocolate variety.
Staff from the Nobel Prize Museum were on hand to give out Nobel medals – of the chocolate variety.

Throughout the week, Nobel enthusiasts at the University were encouraged to participate in the University's Nobel competition by sending in a short text on their favourite Nobel Laureate – with the chance to win one of several pairs of tickets to the Nobel Prize Museum. Over seventy entries have been received, with Marie Curie and Malala being among the most popular choices. Entries will be judged by Olof Somell of the Nobel Prize Museum, together with the team from the University that organised Nobel Calling Stockholm. The winners will be announced in due course.

Other events during the week included a live podcast on Marie Curie, a "Nobel Walk" around the campus, and a lecture on one of Stockholm University's own Nobel Laureates Svante Arrhenius and the gender structures that formed the scientific climate that prevailed during the first half of the 20th century.

More information
Nobel Calling Stockholm: www.su.se/nobelcalling, nobelprizemuseum.se/en/nobel-calling-eng