Stockholm university

Åsa BrobergSenior lecturer/director of studies for the doctoral program

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Hushållningens pedagogiska innehåll - en analys av ICA-Kuriren 1942

    2018. Åsa Broberg, Birgitta Sandström. Historisk Tidskrift (S) 138 (2), 255-285


    The educational content of housekeeping – An analysis of ICA-Kuriren 1942

    In 1942 the practical knowledge of housekeeping in Sweden was formulated, legitimized and materialized largely under the influence of government actions. The period is characterized by ideals grounded in science and rationality, Second World War rationing and the societal project of folkhemmet, ”the people’s home.” The practice of housekeeping is investigated through an analysis of ICA-Kuriren, a periodical published by a consortium of food wholesalers, that was first issued in 1942 and was widely distributed to Swedish households. Located at the intersection of social history and the history of education, the focus is on the discursive construction of the figure of the ”housewife,” the most important agent in the sociopolitical and pedagogical process that aimed at changing practices of housekeeping. There were tensions in this discursive construction of the housewife between rational and non-rational thought, with the preference always being for the rational. It can be found in a variety of contrasts, between new and old knowledge and between the experienced and the inexperienced, and the knowledgeable and unknowledgeable housewife. Another tension was embedded in the encouragement to both be frugal and to buy and consume expensive items.

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  • "Prövotiden är en gammal institution i yrkesskolan och har varit till mycket välsignelse"

    2018. Åsa Broberg.


    Bedömning är centralt i all utbildning och handlar inte bara om att mäta kunskapsnivåer utan också om att sortera människor efter kunskaper och förmågor av olika kvantitet och kvalitet. Men hur det gått till, ser och har sett lite olika ut mellan skolformer och genom tiderna. I den här artikeln tar jag upp en bedömningspraktik som kallades prövotid och som utövades i de praktiska ungdomsskolorna, det vill säga det statligt reglerade och finansierade yrkesutbildningssystem, som fanns i Sverige mellan 1918 och 1971.

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  • Verkstaden som skola eller skolan som verkstad

    2016. Åsa Broberg. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training 6 (2), 46-65


    The workshop school was a particular form of education in the Swedish vocational education system of 1918. It was established and developed over a period of 50 years before it disappeared in the upper secondary reform of 1968. The workshop school differed, in many respects, from the kind of school workshops of today where students attain most of their vocational practice. It was not unusual that the workshop schools operated as small business enterprises on the local market, even when the municipality was the organizer of the education. The wide scope of this article is about this historical phenomenon. The aim is to investigate the production as a pedagogical tool through the artefacts and spaces of the workshop school. This is done within the theoretical framework materiality of schooling, a perspective that can be described as school archaeology. City- or municipal archives hold a treasure trove of photographs and narratives from the era of workshop schools in Sweden. They reveal how production shaped the content and relations to society in a very different way from the vocational training that takes place in the modern school workshop.

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  • Negotiating the pedagogical value of school and work

    2016. Åsa Broberg. History of Vocational Education and Training in Europe


    The first vocational education and trainig in Sweden funded and regulated by the government came into being by way of two reforms in the early 20th century. The pedagogical imperative of this system, consisting of different types of school and education, was work. At the beginning of the 20th century work was still believed to harbour pedagogical qualities. This changed in 1971, when VET was integrated in the upper secondary school system. The point of departure for pedagogical thought shifted from the logics of work to the logics of school. In this article I illustrate this shift by examining the pedagogical practice of diligence allowance. The practice was firmly rooted in the tradition of work but did not survive the transition from work-based to school-based vocational education in 1971. The pedagogical value of diligence allowance and the renegotiation of this value are in the focus of investigation. The theoretical framework as well as the analytical tools used are inspired by Johan Asplund's concept of "figures of thought". This makes visible the pedagogical thinking and doing as an important force in the development of VET. It also provides a way to capture and describe the dynamic between two structures constitutional to modern vocational education and training - school and work. 

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  • Utbildning på gränsen mellan skola och arbete

    2014. Åsa Broberg (et al.).

    Thesis (Doc)

    The aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about pedagogical change in Swedish vocational education and training (VET). The study focuses on vocational schools between 1918 and 1971, and discusses the educational practices that balanced on the border between school and work. The practices under study are probation periods, production work, and “diligence allowance”. By focusing on these practices, which ceased when the vocational training was integrated with upper secondary school in 1971, this study seeks to illustrate how shifts in work and school traditions in the VET discourse are relevant to pedagogical change in vocational training. The central questions of the thesis seek to pinpoint the ways in which the traditions manifested themselves and how the pedagogical content of the educational practices were renegotiated. The study is based on extensive empirical data consisting of public enquiry reports, an organisational journal, archive material, and memory books from vocational schools from the relevant period.

    The VET discourse has been analysed using Johan Asplund’s concept of “figures of thought”. The central figures of thought in vocational training – school and work – have been used to see how the practices’ pedagogical content and aims were renegotiated. This renegotiation made it possible to adapt to school structures in a way that made these practices problematic. Consequently, they could be removed when vocational training was integrated with upper secondary school. In the period leading up to the 1950s, the pedagogical foundations were largely inspired by work practices. Thereafter, it became increasingly common for tensions between the logics and structures embedded in work and school to arise in the VET discourse. This process led to a shift in emphasis in the discourse, from the “work” figure of thought to the “school” figure of thought.

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