Stockholm university

Alexander PiperskiLecturer


I am teaching courses in Russian language and linguistics.

Fall 2023
Russian II: Oral and Written Language Skills
Russian III: Grammar (Syntax)

Spring 2024
Russian for Beginners: Practice II
Russian II: Oral and Written Language Skills
Russian III & IV: Linguistic Analysis
Russian IV: Oral Language Skills

From 2012 to 2022, I taught various courses at Russian State Universities for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia) and National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). These included Introduction to Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, and Sociolinguistics.

Since 2008, I have been teaching vocational courses in linguistics to high school students and organizing competitions in linguistics for high school students, including International Linguistics Olympiad.

I have also been actively promoting linguistics to a broader Russian-speaking audience. A seleсtion of my talks on various topics can be found on Postnauka or on YouTube.


My primary areas of interest are corpus linguistics and various aspects of Russian grammar, including diachronic variation, construction grammar, and accentology.

Currently I am also a part of the project Reading Concordances in the 21st Century, which is conducted jointly by the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nuremberg (FAU) and the University of Birmingham.


Google Scholar Profile

1. Пиперски, Александр. 2016. Конструирование языков: от эсперанто до дотракийского. Москва: Альпина Паблишер.
2. Кронгауз, Максим (ред.), Александр Пиперски и др. 2017. Словарь языка интернета.ru. М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС, 2017.

Most recent research papers
1. Piperski, Alexander & Kukhto, Anton. 2021. Inferring stress placement variability from a poetic corpus. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 29(FASL 28 extra issue). 1–15.
2. Nesset, Tore, Piperski, Alexander & Sokolova, Svetlana. 2022. Russian feminitives: what can corpus data tell us? Russian Linguistics 46(2). 95–113.
3. Piperski, Alexander. 2023. Lexical diversity of Russian poets. In Literature, Language and Computing: Russian Contribution, 113–120. Singapore: Springer Nature.