Stockholm university

Anton Larsson

About me

Born 1994, in Uddevalla. Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Heritage Studies with an archaeological specialization from Gothenburg University in 2016, followed by a Master's Degree in Archaeology from the same institution in 2018. For a long time my studies centred around historical industrial archaeology, such as the technological developments and ecological consequences of the emerging industrial society, focusing primarily on the Bohuslän herring fisheries of the 18th century.

Aside from my studies, I served for many years as an elected board member of among others the Gothenburg Archaeological Student Association and the Gothenburg Antiquarian Society. During my time as a student at GU I also carried out archaeological contract work tied to my specialities when the opportunity was given, for among others the Museum of Bohuslän and Kulturlandskapet. This was followed after graduation by a year working as a field archaeologist at Kulturlandskapet. I left commercial archaeology in September 2019 when I started my position as a doctoral student at Stockholm University.


Thesis project

My thesis project is placed within the theme Space and Place in the Humanities, and concerns landslides in Western Sweden, the country's region with the highest frequency of landslide events, in the period 1000-1900 AD. The goal is to through archaeological and archival-historical data study local community interactions with the landslides and the spatial changes they caused in the landscape, as well as how these natural disasters have impacted older archaeological sites. This subject has been made relevant by current climate changes, which are expected to increase the frequency of landslides both in Sweden and globally. Landslides risk becoming an ever more common phenomenon, which will require large effort both from society at large and within the cultural heritage sector specifically.