Stockholm university

Anna Sofia RossholmAssociate Professor

About me

Associate professor in Cinema Studies and Deputy Head of Department. 


Courses on gender and moving images, Swedish film culture, cultural criticism and ecocriticism. Supervision of bachelor's, master's and PHD level theses and coordination of the film studies internship course.


Research interests revolve around a variety of fields with a focus on intermedial relations - especially between literature and film - archival research and Swedish or European film and media culture. 

Research topics include screenwriting, adaptation/transmediality, children's films, film tourism, ecocriticism, women's agency in filmmaking, Astrid Lindgren's filmmaking, Ingmar Bergman's filmmaking, film pedagogy, representation of HIV, artistic research.

Recent monograph: Ingmar Bergman och den lekfulla skriften: ur arkivets samlingar av anteckningar och utkast (Makadam, 2017). 

Publications listed on DIVA via this website are publications as employed at SU. For research published earlier than autumn 2018, see DIVA nationally or via Linnaeus University.

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Screenwriting, authorship and gender in Swedish cinema of the 1940s: Dagmar Edqvist’s ‘The Ingegerd Bremssen case’

    2022. Anna Sofia Rossholm. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 12 (2), 179-186


    Through a case study analysis, this article suggests that women’s screen-writing in Sweden in the 1940s eluci-dates important aspects of cinematic authorship in relation to cultural hierarchies and gender. The analysis consists of a contextualized reading of the 1942 film Fallet Ingegerd Bremssen (‘The Ingegerd Bremssen case’), based on Dagmar Edqvist’s psychological novel about a rape and its after-effects, with a screenplay writ-ten by the author herself. A textual adaptation analysis – focusing on the screenwriting style and how the woman’s perspective and experience in the novel is transformed in the adaptation – is contextualized against the historical backdrop of the changes in screenwriting practices during this period as well as of the critical reception of the film. 

    Read more about Screenwriting, authorship and gender in Swedish cinema of the 1940s
  • Naturfilm

    2021. .

    Naturfilm består av tre kortare bildessäer som reflekterar över relationen mellan människa och natur i klassisk svensk naturdokumentärfilm. I arbetet belyses också hur distinktionen mellan natur och kultur förhandlas inom moderniteten. Essäerna omfattar reflektioner över landskapet, naturen som resurs, art- och genusrelationer, ursprungskulturer och mediets materialitet. I bildessäerna kombineras tecknade bilder med en berättarröst; teckningar av frysta filmbilder från dokumentärfilmer visas parallellt med berättarröstens fragmentariska reflektioner över bilden som representation och materiell inskription. Essäerna är mediala transformationer av svenska dokumentärfilmer från den klassiska erans höjdpunkt, mellan sent 1930-tal och det tidigt 1950-tal. Denna period sammanfaller med ’den stora accelerationen’, då exploateringen av naturens resurser ökar explosionsartat samtidigt som avståndet mellan människa och natur ökar.

    Read more about Naturfilm
  • Bilden utanför boken: Appropriering av Pippi Långstrump i appar, spel och lek

    2019. Anna Sofia Rossholm, Elisa Rossholm. Astrid Lindgrens bildvärldar, 174-189

    Read more about Bilden utanför boken
  • Moving Mountains: Cinema, Deep Time and Climate Change in Hanna Ljungh's I am Mountain, to Measure Impermanence

    2018. Anna Sofia Rossholm. Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment, 39-48

    Read more about Moving Mountains
  • Witnessing AIDS in the Archive

    2018. Anna Sofia Rossholm, Beate Schirrmacher. A Visual History of HIV/AIDS


    This article examines the Face of AIDS film archive from the perspective of witnessing, asking how different narratives both testify and bear witness to different experiences and changing perspectives. This approach has the potential to convey new insights into HIV and AIDS that go beyond the established facts and mainstream narratives.

    The article uses the case study of the 1988 interview with Lyle Taylor, a dying AIDS patient in Sydney, and its remediation within the archive. This was the filmmaker Staffan Hildebrand’s first interview with a person dying from AIDS. The analysis focuses on how witnessing relates the spoken word to its context. In exploring the remediation of this interview via edited material, the analysis shows how the same verbal testimony is changed by its context. In exploring the raw footage of the interview, different narratives that express and defend subjectivity bear witness to the experience of HIV and AIDS.

    Read more about Witnessing AIDS in the Archive

Show all publications by Anna Sofia Rossholm at Stockholm University