Stockholm university

Aron Schoug ÖhmanSenior lecturer

About me

I have PhD in education with an interest in civil society, voluntary work, democracy, collective learning, organizing and creativity. Since 2015, I am a member of the organisational pedagogy research group. I have a background as a Waldorf teacher and holds a master's degree in education from Stockholm University. Before my PhD studies, I worked in popular education (folkbildning). In addition to my work as a lecturer, I am working as an organisational consultant and lecturer for organisations in the non-profit, public and private sectors.



I teach courses in the human resources program, particularly in the fields of leadership, communication and learning in organizations.

To spread my research beyond the academy, I lecture extensively in various organizations in the non-profit, public and private sectors. I also work as a consultant and help organisations in their development work. The external lecturs and consultating work gives me new ideas in input to research.


I also appear occasionally in various media, for example as an expert commentator. Below are some examples.


71. Aron Schoug - Förutsättningar för storskaligt kreativt samarbete - Sveriges HR Förening (

Forskarens tips för en kreativ arbetsplats | Magasin K

Så ökar du kreativiteten på din arbetsplats - Chefstidningen


Så får du mer kreativa medarbetare – 3 viktiga nycklar — Vision

Hur kan vi vara kreativa tillsammans? ~ Organisation & Samhälle (

OsteoporosNytt 2-2023 aron schough.pdf (


42: Kollektivt lärande och lärande organisationer - Tealpodden

Äntligen! Dr. Aron Schoug och det storskaliga kreativa samarbetet - The Park


Fem snabba med Aron Schoug Öhman – hur engagerar man medlemmarna? - Borätt Forum (

”Flummigt” konstnärsprojekt inspirerar till innovation - Esbri


Experten: ”Vem som helst kan bli en eldsjäl” | SVT Nyheter

Så stärker din förening det ideella engagemanget |

Avsnitt 115 - Alla kan bli en eldsjäl (Aron Schoug) by Här pågår föreningsidrott (


Hur får man folk att jobba ideellt? 1 december 2020 - Nordegren & Epstein i P1 | Sveriges Radio

Lärande i civilsamhället – en ovanlig bok om vanliga processer | EPALE (


Satans demokrati – att använda konsten i samhällsförändrande syfte - Idealistas


Hur en får fler att vilja vara med - Idealistas


My research interests revolve around understanding how people coordinate their actions in different organizations and the learning that takes place in these processes. I have examined these issues from a variety of perspectives, including motivation and commitment, democracy and power, and creativity and development. I have explored these different aspects in different organizational contexts, such as non-profit associations and creative activities.

In my thesis, I examined the conditions for large-scale creative collaboration, i.e. contexts where many people are expected to be creative together. Such contexts can be found, for example, in creative industries and organizations where innovation and development are important. By conducting an ethnographic study of a large-scale arts and theatre project, I have developed a theoretical model that contributes to the understanding of how large-scale creative collaborations in different contexts are held together and developed.

The issue of learning in civil society is another focus of my research. In this area, I have explored what characterizes this learning, including by examining normative notions and, drawing on research in the field, nuancing and problematizing these notions. Together with his colleague Tobias Malm, I made an analysis of the music activities of popular education and related them to the democratic goals. These various studies are presented in the anthology Lärande i civilsamhället (learning in civil society), for which I also was an editor. I have also written a book on democracy education in the civil society.

In previous research projects, I have also studied voluntary engagement from a motivational perspective, which he wrote about in his book Motivera ideella (motivating volunteers). In this book, I presents a framework that can help researchers and organizations understand the mechanisms of volunteer engagement.


Schoug, Aron, Rubin, Viktoria., & Ohlsson, Jon (2022c). Sidas interna förändringsarbete – tre organisationspedagogiska perspektiv I Östlund, Númi & Forss, Kim (Eds.). Hur förändra världen? En antologi om förändringsteorier i biståndet (p. 392-428). Stockholm: EBA. 

Schoug, Aron (2022b). Den lärande föreningen: berättelsen om Blå rummet. Stockholm: Trinambai.

Schoug, Aron (2022a). Storskaligt kreativt samarbete: Organisering och kollektivt lärande i ett konst- och teaterprojekt [doctoral disseration]. Stockholm: Stockholms univeristy.

Hill, Niklas. & Schoug, Aron (2020). Lärande i civilsamhället, Stockholm: Trinambai.

Malm, Tobias, & Schoug, Aron (2020). Studieförbundens populärmusikverksamhet –En plantskola för vad? In Hill, Niklas & Schoug, Aron (Eds.) (p 81-120), Lärande i civilsamhället, Stockholm: Trinambai.

Schoug, Aron (2018). Motivera ideella - om ledarskap, människors behov och drivkrafter. Stockholm: Idealistas.

Schoug, Aron & Wilhelmson, Lena (2015). Att leda de engagerade. In Segnestam Larsson, Ola. (Ed.). Förtroendevald: åtta forskare om möjligheter och utmaningar för förtroendevalda i ideell sektor. Stockholm: Idealistas.



Schoug, Aron (2022). Storskaligt kreativt samarbete: Organisering och kollektivt lärande i ett konst- och teaterprojekt [doctoral disseration]. Stockholm: Stockholms univeristy.

Hill, Niklas. & Schoug, Aron (2020). Lärande i civilsamhället, Stockholm: Trinambai.

Malm, Tobias, & Schoug, Aron (2020). Studieförbundens populärmusikverksamhet –En plantskola för vad? In Hill, Niklas & Schoug, Aron (Eds.), Lärande i civilsamhället, Stockholm: Trinambai, 81–120.

Schoug, Aron (2018). Motivera ideella - om ledarskap, människors behov och drivkrafter. Stockholm: Idealistas.

Schoug, Aron & Wilhelmson, Lena (2015). Att leda de engagerade. In Segnestam Larsson, Ola. (Ed.). Förtroendevald: åtta forskare om möjligheter och utmaningar för förtroendevalda i ideell sektor. Stockholm: Idealistas.