Stockholm university

Björn ÅkermarkProfessor Emeritus

About me

Group leader

Prof. Björn Åkermark


Current members

Dr. Biswanath Das (Researcher) (


Topics being investigated:

(i) Robust and efficient anodes for water oxidation

(ii) Electrolytic cells for sustainable energy [designed together with Dr. Biswanath Das and Assoc. Prof. Oscar Verho (Uppsala University)]

(iii) Efficient systems for CO2 capture and conversion (chemical, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical approach (designed together with Dr. Biswanath Das)

(iv) PFAS remediation (chemical, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical approach) [designed by Dr. Biswanath Das together with Prof Naresh Kumar (UNSW, Sydney, Australia)]


Recent Publications:

  1. Jun Sun, Sreenu Jennepalli, Matthew Lee, Adele Jones, Denis M. O’Carroll, Michael J. Manefield, Mohan Bhadbhade, Björn Åkermark, Biswanath Das, and Naresh Kumar: Efficient Reductive Defluorination of Branched PFOS by Metal− Porphyrin Complexes, Environ. Sci. Technol., Accepted article, 2022, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c08254
  2. Lin Li, Biswanath Das, Ahibur Rahaman, Andrey Shatskiy, Fei Ye,  Peihong Cheng, Chunze Yuan, Zhiqi Yang, Oscar Verho, Markus D. Kärkäs, Joydeep Dutta, Tsu-Chien Weng, and Björn Åkermark: Ruthenium containing molecular electrocatalyst on glassy carbon for electrochemical water splitting, Dalton Trans., 51, 7957-7965, 2022.
  3. Biswanath Das, Ahibur Rahaman, Andrey Shatskiy, Oscar Verho, Markus D Kärkäs,b and Björn Åkermark:  The Impact of Ligand Carboxylates on Electrocatalyzed Water Oxidation, Acc. Chem. Res., 54, 17, 3326–3337, 2021.(Review article)
  4. Jun SunSreenu JennepalliMatthew Lee,   Denis M. O'Carroll,   Björn Åkermark,    Michael J. Manefield, Biswanath Das and  Naresh Kumar: Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water by ceric(IV) ammonium nitrate, RSC Adv., 11, 17642-17645, 2021.
  5. Andrey Shatskiy, Andrey A Bardin, Michael Oschmann, Roc Matheu, Jordi BenetBuchholz, Lars Eriksson, Markus D Kärkäs, Eric V Johnston, Carolina GimbertSuriñach, Antoni Llobet, and Björn Åkermark: Electrochemically Driven Water Oxidation by a Highly Active RutheniumBased Catalyst, ChemSusChem, 12, 10, 2251-2262, 2019.