Stockholm university

Carina Carlhed YdhagProfessor/Head of department

About me

Carina Carlhed Ydhag holds a position as professor of Education at Stockholm University, Department of Education. In 2012 she was granted as Associate professor (Docent) of Sociology of Education at Uppsala University. Her research spans studies of social structures of dominance within and between social and professional fields (Education and Medicine). Another theme of research relates to young adults transitions, educational strategies and success in upper secondary education and higher education as also the conditions of scientific knowledge production of "student completion" in the European educational policy context.

She has experience of both qualitative and quantitative research methods covering surveys, case studies with mixed methods, interviews, historical studies using archive material and discourse analysis. The theoretical tools relates primaily to Cultural Sociology and Sociology of Education with a solid base in Pierre Bourdieu’s work, in addition she has used theory from sociology of professions, especially Andrew Abbott's work. 

Since 2023 she is directing a project funded by Swedish Research Council: Against all Odds - successful schools in superdiverse educational contexts. The research team includes Ali Osman, Anna Lund och Stefan Lund, all from Stockholm University. Currently, she is Head at the Department of Education.

Personal website:

Press here to view a video presenting results and meet young adults who participated in a current project "Following footprints of resilient youth: successful educational trajectories and transition into higher education" (in Swedish).

Selections of publications

Carlhed Ydhag, C. (2023). Mit møde med Bourdieu - Carina Carlhed Ydhag. Tema: Mit møde med Bourdieu. Praktiske Grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab. Nr. 1 (2023): 3-4, pp 123-132. 

Osman, A., Carlhed Ydhag, C., & Månsson, N. (2022). I fotspåren av motståndskraftiga unga: lyckade utbildningsvägar och inträdet i högre utbildning. I Vetenskapsrådet (Red.) Resultatdialog. Kortfattade resultat från forskning finansierad av Vetenskapsrådets utbildningsvetenskapliga kommitté, pp 67-71.

Bron, A., Carlhed Ydhag, C., Malec Rawiński, M., Osman. A., & Thunborg, C. (2022). ‘The mosaic of adults learning landscape’ in The department of education at Stockholm University. Developments and footprints in education and research. (Eds.) Fredriksson, U., Hagerman, F., Kreitz-Sandberg, S., Malec Rawiński, M., Moreno Herrera, L., Thunborg, C., & Ullman, A. Atlas förlag.

Carlhed Ydhag, C., Månsson, N., & Osman, A. (2021). Momentums of success, illusio and habitus: high-achieving upper secondary students’ reasons for seeking academic success. International Journal of Educational Research 109, 1-12.

Osman, A., Månsson, N. & Carlhed Ydhag, C. (2021). The significance of significant others: the perspective of high-achieving students of immigrant background. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance2(1), 27–39. DOI:

Månsson, N., Carlhed Ydhag, C., & Osman, A. (2021). I skuggan av kulturellt kapital. – om konsten att omforma habitus för skolframgångNordic Studies in Education 41(2), 130–

Giersch, J., Carlhed Ydhag, C., & Korhonen, V. (2021). Motivations to Become a Teacher in Finland, Sweden, and the United States. Nordic Studies in Education 41(1), 1-18.

Lundahl, L., & Carlhed Ydhag, C. (2020). Transitions and career learning: youth and governance perspectives, Education Inquiry, 11:4, 297-301, DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2020.1840491

Osman, A., Carlhed Ydhag, C., & Månsson, N. (2020). Recipe for Educational Success:  A study of successful school performance of students from low social cultural backgroundInternational Studies in Sociology of Education 30:4, 422-439

Carlhed Ydhag, C. (2020). Uppkomsten av ett professionellt medicinskt fält. Läkares, sjuksköterskors och laboratorieassistenters formering. [The rise of a professional medical field. The formation of doctors, nurses and laboratory assistants]. Monograph in Stockholm Studies in Education, Stockholm University Press, 240 pp). Open access:

Carlhed Ydhag, C. (2019). Understanding the complexity in measuring student progression in European higher education. Special issue: Student dropout in Higher education Hungarian Educational Research Journal. 9:2, 1-25. DOI:10.1556/063.9.2019.1.21

Carlhed Ydhag, C. (2019). Det medicinska fältet. (The medical field). In Thomas Brante, Kerstin Svensson & Lennart G Svensson (Eds). Framväxten av det professionella landskapet. [The rise of the professional landscape]. Lund: Studentlitteratur, s 331-398.

Carlhed, C. (2017). The Social Space of Educational Strategies: Exploring Patterns of Enrolment, Efficiency and Completion among Swedish Students in Undergraduate Programmes with Professional Qualifications, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61:5, 503-525.

Carlhed, C. (2017). Resistances to scientific knowledge production of comparative measurements of dropout and completion in European Higher Education. European Educational Research Journal. Vol. 16(4), 386–406.

Carlhed, C. (2016). Familjebakgrund avgör strategi för högre studier. Det sociala rummet av utbildningsstrategier. [Family background decides strategies for higher education. The social space of educational strategies]. I Vetenskapsrådet (Red.) (2016). Resultatdialog 2016. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet., s 28-35.

Carlhed, C. (2015). Vid den normala studietaktens utkanter: Analyser av studieavbrott på lärarutbildningar vid Uppsala universitet. [At the outskirts of the normal studypace. Analysis of dropouts from Teacher training programmes at Uppsala University]. Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi / SEC Research Reports, 54, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. (60 s)

Engström, S. & Carlhed, C. (2014). Different habitus – different strategies in teaching physics? Relationships between teachers’ social, economic and cultural capital and strategies in teaching physics in upper secondary school.Cultural Studies of Science Education, September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 699-728. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-013-9538-z

Research projects