Stockholm university

Cecilia Fredriksson

About me

Cecilia conducts research on (public sector) organisations at the Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (SCORE) and has been connected to SCORE since 2016. Cecilia has a PhD degree in Business Administration (Management and Organization) from the Stockholm School of Economics and a Master of Social Sciences (Public Administration) from Åbo Akademi University.


Cecilia’s research projects have focused/are focusing on digitalisation and innovation in the public sector, partly how digital twins (digital models of physical structures) are understood and used to develop public sector activities, and partly how big data is creating new knowledge as support in decision-making and the consequences of using big data as decision support. Cecilia has also done research on meta-organisations (organisations whose members are organisations) and actorhood construction of organisations, i.e., organisations’ strive to be perceived as autonomous and unique with capacity to act by others in their environment. She has also conducted research and written reports on the establishment of publicly financed health care, state government structures and municipality reforms.