Stockholm university

Daniel BlixtPhD student

About me

My background is mainly in upper secondary education where I taught from 2003 to 2021, a position that I combined with teaching on the teacher programs at the Department of Education (IPD) starting in 2020. During this time, I also pursued my master's studies at IPD, and during the spring of 2023, I have been working as a university adjunct at the department.

My research area is young people's reading, where I investigate primary school students' narratives about reading as a practice and about themselves as readers, and how their narratives relate to dominant perceptions, or master discourses, in society. The aim is to increase the understanding of how boys and girls in 9th grade construct their identities in relation to reading and themselves as readers, and how these constructions can be understood in relation to dominant perceptions about reading in the mass media debate and within policy texts.