Stockholm university

Joakim Edsjö

About me

I am a professor in theoretical physics and the Department of Physics. Research and teaching are both questions that engage me. I am deeply engaged in questions regarding teaching and learning and am the chair of the undergraduate education committee at the Faculty of Science.


I currently do no teach a regular course, but about once a semester I give a workshop on Flipped Classroom teaching via CeUL. 


My reserarch focus on astroparticle physics and theoretical physics. My main area of interest is the dark matter in the Universe.

I am also a part of the Oskar Klein Centre  for cosmoparticle physics.

I am co-author of several public computer codes:

  • DarkSUSY, a program to calculate properties and observables for dark matter models.
  • WimpSim, a program to simulate annihilation of dark matter particles in the Sun and the Earth and calcualte the resulting neutrino-fluxes including interactions and neutrino oscillations.
  • GAMBIT, a program to make global fits to available data, mostly for dark matter models.


My publications are most easily found on inspire or on arXiv.