Stockholm university

Eleonor Bredlöv Eknor

About me

I got my PhD in 2018, at Linköping university, with the dissertation Shaped for beauty: Vocational and gendered subjectivities in private education for the beauty industry. I currently hold a position as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Child and Youth Studies, where I run a research project that focusses on emotional and relational aspects of pre school teacher students' learning processes, as they are enacted during their workplacement education.



Peer-reviewed articles

Bredlöv, Eleonor. (2016). Shaping the female student. An analysis of Swedish beauty school recruitment texts. Studies in Continuing Education, 38(2): 243-258.

Bredlöv, Eleonor. (2016). Constructing a professional. Gendered knowledge in the (self-)positioning of skin and spa therapy students, Gender & Education, 29(7): 890-906.

Linder Eknor, Eleonor. (2017). Learning a critical gaze. Producing gendered bodies in skin and spa therapy education and training, Journal of Vocational Education and Training,

Bredlöv, Eleonor. (2021) Becoming an emotional worker and student: exploring skin and spa therapy education and training, Studies in Continuing Education, DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2020.1865300


Bredlöv, Eleonor. (2018) Shaped for beauty: Vocational and gendered subjectivities in private education for the beauty industry. Dissertation, Linköping university press.

Other publications

Bredlöv, Eleonor, Camilla Forsberg, Lina Rahm & Sara Vestergren (2016). Open issue: Introduction, Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, vol. 4(1), s. 5-8. doi:10.2624/confero.2001-4562.160626intro

Bredlöv Eknor, Eleonor, Sofia Nordmark & Sofia Nyström (2019). Att organisera för och driva ett regionsöverskridande flernivåprojekt: Utvärdering av projektorganisationen i #jagmed. Linköpings universitet /region Östergötland.

Aman, Robert, Eleonor Bredlöv Eknor & Sofia Österborg Wiklund (2020). ”Normkritiska perspektiv på vuxenpedagogik och utbildning.” I Om vuxenutbildning och vuxnas studier: en grundbok / [ed] Andreas Fejes, Karolina Muhrman, Sofia Nyström, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, 1, , s. 380s. 299-316.



Research projects