Stockholm university

Elina Elvelo

About me

Born and raised in Stockholm I decided to move to Uppsala to attend higher education at Uppsala University. I had been interessted in chemistry since the subject was first introduced to me and it only grew from there and the UU program in chemical engineering seemed to be a perfect fit. I graduated with a Master of Science in Engineering in August 2023 after specialising in material science and advanced synthesis.

During my undergraduate I have worked with an industry perspective within fields such as batteries, semiconductors and thin films. I also completed an exchange at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. My master thesis was titled "Chromia-Alumina Thin Films from Alkoxide Precursors - From Precursor Synthesis to Deposition and Material Characterisation" at UU's inorganic chemistry department, supervised by Professor Gunnar Westin, the project was part of a SSF-project in collaboration with Sandvik Coromant and Seco Tools. During a summerproject about sodium-ion batteries at Ångström Advanced Battery Centre (ÅABC) I was introduced to prussian blue analogues (PBA) and found them to be an intrigueing class of materials.

Research and devlopment has a spot in my heart and to continue my academic career by doing a PhD was a natural step. At Stockholm University I am investigating the spin-crossover phenomenon in PBAs.