Stockholm university

Erik Lidman

About me

Associate Professor (docent) of company law at the universities of Stockholm and Gothenburg, and co-director of the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute. My research is focused on corporate governance in listed companies and capital market regulation, generally with a law and economics methodology. Current research projects focuses on, among other things, takeovers, dual class share structures, corporate bond regulation and the purpose of the corporation.

I teach in the areas of company law and stock market regulation for law students and economist on bachelor, master and PhD level, including PhD supervision, and have consulted for a number of organisations and law firms, including the OECD, the World Bank and the Swedish Corporate Governance Board. I am also an editor of the Nordic Journal of Corporate Law and manager for the Corporate Governance Forum.

In addition to my academic work, I am an executive of the Securities Council, one of Swedens representatives in ESMA:s Takeover Bids Network, Secretary to the Nasdaq Stockholm Disciplinary Committee and Secretary to the Committee For Stock Market Regulation.


Selected publications

Transparens och likabehandling på företagsobligationsmarknaden [Eng: Transparency and equal treatment on the corporate bond market] (2022). Nordic Journal of Company law (Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret).

London Allowing dual class Premium listings: A Swedish comment (2021). Journal of Corporate Law Studies

Dual class Premium listings: no reason for the reservations? (2021). Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law

The purpose of the corporation: a contractarian perspective (2021). Norstedts juridik

Informationsmässig likabehandling enligt aktiebolagslagen [Eng: Equal treatment of shareholders with regards to information] (2021). Svensk juristtidning

Festschrift in honour of Rolf Skog (editor, 2021). Norstedts juridik

Kontrollägande och uppköpsreglering: Likabehandling vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden och effekterna i bolagsstyrningen [Eng. Controlling shareholders and takeover regulation: Equal treatment and the effects on corporate governance] (2020). Corporate Governance Forum

Beslut från Nasdaq Stockholms disciplinnämnd [Eng. Decisions from the Nasdaq Stockholm Disciplinary Committee](2020). Nordic Journal of Company law (Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret) 

Say on pay and the detail of disclosure of remuneration (2019). OECD Publishing