Stockholm university

Ebba Sjögren

About me

Associate Professor Ebba Sjögren worked at Stockholm Business School (Accounting Section) between the Spring of 2017 and 2021. She holds a PhD from the Stockholm School of Economics (2006). Her research interests center on the role of accounting in experts’ decision-making, and in the control and coordination of professional work. She is affiliated to the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) and the academic think tank Leading Health Care.

Ebba Sjögren has teaching experience within management control (BSc, MSc, EMBA), financial accounting (BSc) and qualitative methods (BSc, MSc, PhD), as well as organizational theory, marketing and strategy.


Fall 2019

Financial Reporting (FR, BSc)

Spring 2019

Financial Reporting (FR, BSc)

Fall 2018

Financial Reporting (FR, BSc)

BSc thesis (EXKARED)

Spring 2018

Financial Reporting (FR, BSc)

Current Research in Accounting (CRIA, MSc)

Fall 2017

Accounting Theory (ACCT, MSc)

Accounting Reading and Writing (ARW, MSc)

BSc thesis (EXKA)


Academic publications (selection)

Sjögren, E. & K. Fernler. 2019. "Accounting and professional work in established NPM settings". Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 32(3): 897-922. doi: 10.1108/AAAJ-06-2015-2096

Helgesson, K. S. & E. Sjögren. 2019. "No finish line: How formalization of academic assessment can undermine clarity and increase secrecy". Gender, Work & Organization 26(4): 558-581. doi: 10.1111/gwao.12355

Hagbjer, E., Kraus, K., Lind, J. & E. Sjögren. 2017. "Role attribution in public sector accountability processes: Dynamic and situation-specific accountor and constituent roles". Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 14(4): 367-389.

Carlsson-Wall, M., M. Lund, K. Kraus & E.Sjögren. 2016. “'Accounting talk’ through metaphorical representations – change agents and organisational change in home-based elderly care”. European Accounting Review 25(2): 215-243.

Johnson, E., Sjogren, E., & Åsberg, C. 2016. Glocal Pharma: International brands and the imagination of local masculinity. London: Routledge. (Please note that the book is open access)

Mennicken, A & E. Sjögren. 2015. Valuation and Calculation at the Margins Valuation Studies 3(1): 1-7. (Editorial note)

Casula Vifell, Å & E. Sjögren. 2014. “The legal mind of the internal market: a governmentality perspective on the judicialization of monitoring practices”. Journal of Common Market Studies 52(3):461-478.

Hagbjer, E., J. Lind & E. Sjögren. 2013. “Trust in the monitoring of publicly funded services: A case study of two outsourced care homes for the elderly” In: M. Reuter, F. Wijkström & B. Kristensson Uggla (eds.) Trust and Organizations: Confidence Across Borders, Palgrave Macmillan.

Krohwinkel Karlsson, A. & E. Sjögren. 2008. “Identifying need through expressions of demand: deciding on public financial intervention within the fields of healthcare and development aid" Public Management Review 10(2):197-220.

Sjögren, E. & C.-F. Helgesson. 2007. “The Q(u)ALYfying hand: health economics and medicine in the shaping of Swedish markets for subsidized pharmaceuticals” in Callon, Michel, Yuval Millo & Fabian Muniesa (eds.). 2007. Market Devices. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 215-240.

Other publications (selection)

Hjelström, A., T. Hjelström & E. Sjögren. 2014. Decision usefulness explored - An investigation of capital market actors´ use of financial reports. Stockholm: Confederation of Swedish Enterprise/Svenskt näringsliv.