Stockholm university

Evelina JonssonPhD student

About me

Evelina Marie Jonsson is a PhD candidate at Stockholm University's Department of Economic History and International Relations. 

After completing her master's degree in 2020, she worked as a research assistant (2021-2023) at Stockholm University's Department of Economic History and International Relations. She worked within three research projects: i. RiskSec2.0: Climate Change Adaptation from Risk Governance to Security, ii. Glocalizing Climate Governance: The Role of Integrated Governance for a Just and Legitimate Adaptation to Climate Risks (GlocalClim) and iii. Legitimacy in Global Governance (LegGov).

She obtained a Master in Science in International Relations with a specialization in Global Political Economy from Stockholm University's Department of Economic History and International Relations (2018-2020). She received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a specialization in Global Management and English Literature and Linguistics from Stockholm University's Stockholm Business School (2015-2018). 

Evelina's research focuses on environmental politics, global political economy and global governance using experimental, quantitative, and qualitative research methods. Her PhD project uses survey research methods to study elite and public preferences toward climate mitigation policies that focus on decarbonising hard-to-abate-sectors (e.g., aviation, energy, and industry) as well as negative-emission technologies. Her research also focuses on estimating political trust and legitimacy at the subnational level worldwide. She and her co-author, Lisa Dellmuth, have a forthcoming database called the Subnational Political Trust Database containing these estimates, spanning the years 2000 to 2023 across 110 countries.

Research projects