Stockholm university

Indranil Sinha

About me

I am working as a Senior Researcher and Bioinformatician at Stockholm University. I use next-generation sequencing technologies and advanced computational tools to analyse various types of data, such as single-cell RNA-seq, RNA-seq, DNA-methylation, ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq, and to identify novel molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets for different diseases. Before joining SU, I was working as a Senior Bioinformatician at Karolinska Institutet for several years, managed and supported multiple genome-wide projects in the fields of Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, and Breast Cancer. My mission is to advance the field of bioinformatics and genomics, and to apply my skills and knowledge to improve human health and well-being.


I have a passion for teaching and mentoring, having taught courses at the bachelor’s and PhD levels, organized workshops and seminars, and supervised several students and researchers.


In addition to my research activities, I have also contributed to the scientific community by publishing at least 39 peer-reviewed articles, including in high-impact journals such as Cancer Research, Oncogene, PNAS and Nature Communications.