Stockholm university

Jan EnbergPhD student

About me

Bachelor of Arts in Humanities.

Music teacher. Clarinetist, formerly recorder teacher, ensemble leader. Editor of Swedish Musical Heritage.

Dissertation Topic: Hof-Intendenten Roman's Paſſions Muſiqve. The first public concert in Sweden. Source-critical studies of the passion music as pasticcio and its performances in the Riddarhussalen 1731-1742 in Swedish, initiated and led by Johan Helmich Roman with original German text by Barthold Heinrich Brockes. The source material reflects a "dynamic concept" comprising approximately 105 movements for three different versions.

Time for performance: approx. 2.45 hours for 67 movements. Music by Handel, Telemann, Keiser, Stölzel, Roman (?), Marcello, Mancini, and others.

The preliminary range of the thesis: Text approx. 540 pages. Appendix with score (265 pages condensed "research score" - not edition) and other additions (80 pages) 340 pages. A total of about 890 pages


Planned critical editions for Swedish Musical Heritage by Johan Helmich Roman:

- The Swedish Mass (media files)

- The Coronation Music (Adlph Friedrich 1751)

- Dixit "imitaded by (Leonardo) Leo"

- Roman's Passion Music (1731, 1732, 1734, 1739)