Stockholm university

Juta KawalerowiczSenior Lecturer

About me

I am a sociologist working at the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University. My research interests include inter-group attitudes and the role of contextual effects in attitude formation and political behaviour. I received my DPhil from Nuffield College, Oxford University in 2016. In my doctoral dissertation I looked at determinants of involvement in extreme forms of political action: contextual factors associated with participation in 2011 London riots and membership in the British National Party.

Following my doctoral studies, I have been working with Swedish register data to study the impact of diversity on radical right-wing candidacy, career trajectories of radical right-wing candidates, typology of Swedish neighbourhoods, geographical polarization in Sweden and the impact of COVID-19 on residential mobility patterns. 

I am involved in the following research projects:


I have been teaching the following courses at SU:

  • Undergraduate and masters thesis supervision in Human Geography & Planning (KG6330, KG6340, GE6016)
  • Masters thesis supervison, Demography (SDEMO)
  • Social Science Methods & Research Design, Human Geography & Planning (KG3302, KG332S)
  • Quntitative Methods in Geography (GE4001, GE4017)
  • GIS and spatial analsysis (KG2313)
  • Migration and Social Change, a Life Course Perspective (KG7245)

Before, I have been a tutor and assisstant teacher at Oxford University for:

  • Sociological Analysis, MSc in Sociology
  • Sociology of Post-Industrial Societies, PPE paper
  • Introduction to Quantitative Methods, MSc in Migration Studies


Working papers

Research projects