Stockholm university

Karin HalldénResearcher

About me

Karin Halldén is associate professor (docent) at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. Her research interests are gender differences in labour market careers and working life and its intersection with family. In her recent work she connects differences between men and women’s labour market rewards to family situation and policies targeted to labour market gender equality. She has also studied gender segregetion in education and in the labour market. Halldén is part of the advisory board of Social Politics.


Recent publications

Halldén, K. Stenberg, A. (2023). 'Freedom of Career Choice? A Report on Gender Segregation in Education and Occupation.' Reoprt to the Expert Group on Public Economics (ESO) 2023:6.

Almstedt Valldor, A. & Halldén, K. (2023). 'Skills and occupational sex segregation in Europe.' Chapter 5 in M. Tåhlin (ed.), A Research Agenda for Skills and Inequality. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Duvander, A.-Z., Halldén, K., Koslowski, A. & Sjögren Lindquist, G. (2022). 'Income loss and leave taking: Do financial benefit top-ups influence fathers' parental leave use in Sweden?' Journal of Social Policy, 1-21.  

Halldén, K., & Stenberg, A. (2018). ‘The relationship between hours of outsourced domestic services and female earnings: Evidence from a Swedish tax reform.’ Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (RSSM), 55, 120-133.

Halldén, K., Säve-Söderbergh, J. & Rosén, Å. (2018). ‘Gender of the immediate manager and women’s: The importance of managerial position.’ Social Science Research, 72, 115-133.

Boye, K., Halldén, K. & Magnusson, C. (2017). ‘Stagnation only on the surface? The implications of skill and family responsibilities for the gender wage gap in Sweden, 1974-2010.’  British Journal of Sociology, 68, 595-619.

Grönlund, A., Halldén, K. & Magnusson, C. (2017). ‘A Scandinavian success story? Women’s labour market outcomes in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.’ Acta Sociologica, 60(2), 97-119.


Research projects