Stockholm university

Kristoffer NohedenAssociate Professor

About me

Reader in Cinema Studies and Research Fellow in the Department of Media Studies.

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Toward a Total Animism: Surrealism and Nature

    2022. Kristoffer Noheden. The Routledge Companion to Surrealism, 53-61


    Nature has taken on a multifaceted role in Surrealist art and thought. Surrealists have lauded numerous animals, plants, and stones as evidence that there is a rich poetry immanent in reality, modeled Surrealist poetics on natural processes of growth and change, and likened the unconscious with a dense vegetation teeming with animalistic instincts. This entry explores these varied conceptions of nature in the works of Surrealists situated in a broadly international host of contexts. It considers the role of Romantic precedents and looks to Surrealism’s anticipation of recent critiques of the alleged “hyperseparation” between humans and the natural world.

    Read more about Toward a Total Animism

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