Stockholm university

Kristina HagströmSenior lecturer

About me

Kristina Hagström-Ståhl is a visiting associate professor in Theatre and Performance Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Performance Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, and also works as a director and translator.

Kristina works at the intersection of discursive and creative practices, with research interests in feminist and decolonial theory, performance studies, dramaturgy and mise en scene, translation, as well as questions of testimony and memory.

Kristina has held positions as professor at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, visiting professor at Stockholm University of the Arts, and head of the unit for Strategy, analysis and knowledge at Sweden's National Touring Theatre (Riksteatern). She serves on Gothenburg City Theatre's artistic advisory board, and was previously a member of the Swedish Research Council's committee for artistic research as well as a board member of the Asscoation of Nordic Theatre Scholars.

Kristina was the 2020 Hildeman Fulbright Fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle; in the same year she was also the recipient of an individual grant from Riksbankens Jublieumsfond for excellence in criticism and essays.


Current publications:

"Teckningen som arkiv: William Kentridges spår och metod" ("The drawing as archive: Trace and method in the work of William Kentridge") in Ord & Bild 4, 2022.

"Reflections on a curious artform: An essay in nine steps" in Looking for Direction: Rethinking theatre direction practices and pedagogies in the 21st century, University of the Arts Helsinki, 2022 (