Stockholm university

Marianne AbramssonProfessor

About me

Head of Department, Professor in Human Geography, esp Urban and Regional Planning


I teach in the Bachelor’s programs in Urban and Regional planning, Human Geography and Geography as well as in courses in the Master's program.


I am a human geographer particularly interested in housing and residential mobility in different geographical contexts. I do research on the housing careers and housing choices during different phases of life in relation to changes in the housing market and the welfare state. I am interested in people’s housing preferences, possibilities and restrictions and changes in life values over time. In addition to investigating how different individuals move between dwellings and housing areas I am interested in following their housing careers through different stages in the life-cycle. The dwelling and the housing area and experiences in relation to those then become central. During the last years the focus of my research has been on older people as actors in the housing market.

In my research I also study different aspects on ageing in rural areas and in small municipalities. The demography in these areas is changing as the proportion of older people increases at the same time as the population numbers in general decrease. What is ageing like in such a geographical context and what the particular challenges for such municipalities. What are the particular qualities of the countryside?

My interest in issues related to segregation and social justice is also manifest in the research project the Neighbourhood Revisited on spatial polarisation and social cohesion.

Involvement in research projects, current and previous

Current projects

  • Forte Divorce in old age: Predictors and consequences of late life divorce Att skiljas på äldre dar: Orsaker till och konsekvenser av skilsmässa sent i livet, projektledare Linda Kridahl, Sociologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.

  • Riksbankens Jubileumsfond The Neighbourhood Revisited: Spatial polarization and social cohesion in contemporary Sweden, programansvarig Bo Malmberg, Kulturgeografiska institutionen.

Previous projects

  • Education attitudes and educational results in a changing educational landscape. Financed by VR, the Swedish Research Council. Principal Investigator Eva Andersson
  • Care supporting self-care by information and communication technology (ICT) for older people with long-term conditions. Co-investigator, financed by Forte, program grant PI Anna Strömberg IMH, Linköping University, start 2014
  • Caring for the oldest in rural areas. Municipal and civil-society networks in semi-rural areas. Co-investigator, financed by CKS (The Centre for Municipality Studies), Linköping University, start 2013
  • Mobility patterns of older people – motives, possibilities and restrictions. Principal Investigator, financed by HI–SIAT (The Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology), 2011
  • Older People in the Swedish Housing Market – Housing Preferences, Choices and Mobility Patterns (2010-2068). Principal investigator, financed by VR, the Swedish Research Council, 2010–2015
  • Changing life and housing patterns among older people. Co-investigator, financed by CKS (The Centre for Municipality Studies), 2008
  • The city and older people’s housing. Research associate, financed by Hyresbostäder Norrköping, 2006–2010

Research networks

  • European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), working group on Housing and living conditions of ageing populations, joint coordinator, 2010–
  • Collaborator with the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, CoE AgeCare, University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
  • Nordic Network for research on older people’s housing, joint coordinator and founder, 2008–2018



Articles in scientific journals

  • Andersson, E K, Malmberg, B & Abramsson, M (2021). School choice and educational attitudes: Spatially uneven neoliberalization in Sweden. Norwegian Journal of Geography,75(3), 142–157.

  • Mahrs Träff, A, Cedersund, E & Abramsson, M (2020). What promotes and What Limits Physical Activity in Assisted Living Facilities? A Study of the Physical Environment’s Design and Significance. Journal of Aging and Environment, 34(3), 291–309. DOI:10.1080/02763893.2019.1683669

  • Abramsson, M & Hagberg, J-E (2020) Housing plans of the oldest: ageing in semi-rural areas in Sweden. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35(1), 27–43.

  • Abramsson, M & Hagberg, J-E (2018). What about community sustainability? - dilemmas of ageing in shrinking semi-rural areas in Sweden. Scottish Geographical Journal 134(4), 103-121

  • Mahrs Träff, A, Cedersund, E & Abramsson, M (2018) Fysisk aktivitet för äldre på särskilda boenden. Om inställningar och handlande i svensk äldreomsorg. Tidskrift för omsorgsforskning 4(2), 165–176.

  • Andersson, E K, Malmberg B & Abramsson, M (2018). Patterns of changing residential preferences during late-adulthood. Ageing & Society,
  • Mahrs Träff, A, Cedersund, E, Larsson, A-C & Abramsson, M(2018). Approaches to physical activity at assisted living facilities: from the perspective of older people and physiotherapists. European Journal of Physiotherapy,
  • Berg, J, Levin, L, Abramsson, M & Hagberg, J-E (2015). "I want complete freedom": Car use and everyday mobility among the newly retired. EuropeanTransport Research Review 7(31).
  • Abramsson, M & Andersson E (2015). Changing preferences with ageing - housing choices and housing plans of older people. Housing, Theory & Society, 33(2), 217-241.
  • Abramsson, M & Andersson E (2014) Changing locations - Central or peripheral moves of seniors? Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 30(4), 535-551.
  • Berg, J, Levin, L, Abramsson, M & Hagberg, J-E (2014). Mobility in the transition to retirement – the intertwining of transportation and everyday projects. Journal of Transport Geography, 38, 48-54.
  • Andersson, E & Abramsson, M (2012). Changing residential mobility rates of older people in Sweden. Ageing and Society 32(6), 963–982.
  • Abramsson, M& Andersson, E (2012). Residential mobility of older people – leaving the house for an apartment, Housing Studies 27(5) 582–604.
  • Abramsson, M(2008). Housing careers in a changing welfare state– a Swedish cohort study, Housing, Theory and Society 25(4) 231–25.

Edited books and reports

  • Abramsson, M, Hydén, L-C & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige. Rapport för utredningen Nationell kvalitetsplan för äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.är-den-äldre_Webb.pdf
  • Abramsson, M & Nord, C (2012) Äldres boende - forskningsperspektiv i Norden. Lund: Studentlitteratur
  • Abramsson, M, Hagberg, J-E, Lukkarinen Kvist, M & Nord, C (2009). Rum för åldrande. Essäer om äldres boende. Skrifter från NISAL Nr 1. Norrköping: Linköpings universitet. ISBN 978-91-7393-307-0


Book chapters and reports:

  • Abramsson, M, Kelfve, S & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vad kännetecknar de äldre under kommande årtionden? in Abramsson, M, Hydén, L-C & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige. Rapport för utredningen Nationell kvalitetsplan för äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.är-den-äldre_Webb.pdf
  • Abramsson, M (2017) Äldre, generationsperspektiv och sociala nätverk, in Abramsson, M, Hydén, L-C & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige. Rapport för utredningen Nationell kvalitetsplan för äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.är-den-äldre_Webb.pdf
  • Abramsson, M (2017) Äldre, infrastruktur och boende, in Abramsson, M, Hydén, L-C & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige. Rapport för utredningen Nationell kvalitetsplan för äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.är-den-äldre_Webb.pdf
  • Öhman, A & Abramsson, M (2017) Äldres hälsa och livsstil, in Abramsson, M, Hydén, L-C & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige. Rapport för utredningen Nationell kvalitetsplan för äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.är-den-äldre_Webb.pdf
  • Kelfve, S & Abramsson, M (2017) Äldres materiella förhållanden, in Abramsson, M, Hydén, L-C & Motel-Klingebiel, A (2017) Vem är den äldre? Äldrebilder i ett åldrande Sverige. Rapport för utredningen Nationell kvalitetsplan för äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.är-den-äldre_Webb.pdf
  • Elmqvist A, Abramsson, M & Cedersund E (2016). Omsorgen om landsbygdens äldsta. Kommuner och civilsamhälle i fokus [Care of the oldest old. Municipalities and civil society in focus]. Report 2016:05, The Centre for Municipality Studies(CKS), Linköping University
  • Abramsson, M, Elmqvist A & Magnusson Turner, L (2014). Äldres flyttningar och motiv till att flytta och bo kvar.Rapport inom regeringsuppdraget Bo bra på äldre dar, Hjälpmedelsinstitutet, Skrifter från NISAL nr 10, Linköpings University.
  • Abramsson M (2014). Lifestyle Motives as Reasons for Moving to Senior Housing, in Nilsson, G & Blaakilde A L (Eds) Nordic Seniors on the Move. Mobility and Migration in Later Life. Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences 4, 51–74. (peer reviewed).
  • Abramsson, M & Magnusson Turner, L (2013) Flytta eller bo kvar på äldre dar, i Wiklund, G & Melin, S (Eds) Bo bra på äldre dar, kunskap, kreativitet, kvalitet. Stockholm: AB Svensk Byggtjänst.
  • Sandstedt, E & Abramsson, M (2012) Ny bostadspolitik för att möte en åldrande befolkning, in Abramsson, M & Nord, C (Eds) Äldres boende - forskningsperspektiv i Norden. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 19-33.
  • Abramsson, M & Sandstedt, E (2012) Bostadsmarknad och bostadsformer för andra halvan av livet, in Abramsson, M & Nord, C (Eds) Äldres boende - forskningsperspektiv i Norden. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 155–168.
  • Abramsson, M (2012).Housing careers, in Smith, S J, Elsinga, M, Fox O'Mahony, L, Ong Seow Eng, Wachter, S & Clapham; D (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home 3. Oxford: Elsevier, 385–389.
  • Abramsson, M & Hagberg, J-E (2012). Omsorgens skugga - äldres strategier i boendet, in Jeppsson Grassman, E & Whitaker, A (Eds) Åldrande och omsorgens gestaltningar: Mot nya perspektiv. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 125-146.
  • Hagberg, J-E, Abramsson, M & Lukkarinen Kvist, M (2010). Politik för det goda åldrandet. Boendets variationer för äldre och gamla (Policies for prosperous ageing. Variations in housing for older people), in Friberg, T and Thelander, S (Eds) Samtal pågår... från forskare till politiker och tjänstemän i kommuner (Conversations continues.... from researchers to politicians and social servants in municipalities). Report 2010:1, The Centre for Municipality Studies(CKS), Linköping University.
  • Abramsson, M (2009). Mellanboendeformer for äldre – av intresse för såväl de äldre som för bostadsföretagen (Housing for seniors – of interest to older people as well as housing companies), in Jönson, H (Ed) Åldrande, åldersordning, ålderism (Ageing, age range, ageism)Linköping University Interdisciplinary Studies no 2009:10, Linköping.
  • Abramsson, M & Niedomysl, T (2008). Äldre personers flyttningar och boendepreferenser (Residential mobility and housing preferences among older people). Report, The Institute for Future studies for the Committee of Inquiry for Housing for Old People, Swedish Parliament, Stockholm SOU 2008:113, Appendix B.

Research projects