Stockholm university

Mohammad RazmjooeiResearcher

About me

I am a geologist, stratigrapher, micropaleontologist, and subsurface data analyst with expertise in analyzing sedimentary basins. My work involves integrating paleontological, sedimentological, and geochemical data with field studies. Through combined stratigraphy and sedimentology, I investigate past geological events that have led to different sedimentary sequences, focusing on aspects such as the paleoenvironment, paleoceanography, and paleoclimatology. My professional journey in academia and the oil industry has taken me to various sedimentary basins, including the Zagros and Kopet-Dagh Basins in Iran, the North Sea, the Tremp-Graus Basin in Spain, the Tunisian Atlas, and the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean.

I specialize in calcareous nannofossils and stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen, frequently utilizing them in stratigraphy. My other skills and experiences include:

Sequence stratigraphy
Geological field studies
Geological map generation

Research projects