Stockholm university

Olof Bäckman

About me

I am a Professor of Criminology and Associate Professor of Sociology. My research concerns criminality, poverty, inequality, and social exclusion in a life-course perspective and how these processes interact with welfare state arrangements and other macro-level factors. Also causes and consqeuences of crime and reactions to crime fall within my research interests. I am involved in several research projects on these topics.

Recent publications

Alm, Susanne and Olof Bäckman (2022) ' "When it rains it Pours": Housing Evictions and Criminal Convictions in Sweden'. European Journal of Criminology, 19(4): 612631. DOI: 10.1177/1477370820905107

Al Weswasi, Enes, Fredrik Sivertsson, Olof Bäckman, Anders Nilsson (2022) ‘Does sentence length affect the risk for criminal recidivism? A quasi-experimental study of three policy reforms in Sweden’. Journal of Experimental Criminology.

Estrada, Felipe, Olof Bäckman, Anders Nilsson (2022) ’Biased Enforcement Expansion? Sociodemographic Differences in Police Drug testing for Suspected Narcotics Use 1993–2015’. British Journal of Criminology, 62(5): 1213–1232.

Sivertsen, Fredrik, Anders Nilsson and Olof Bäckman (2021) ‘Participation and Frequency in Criminal Convictions across 25 Successive Birth Cohorts: Collectivity, Polarization, or Convergence?’ Justice Quarterly, 38(6): 995-1018. DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2019.1699941

Bäckman, Olof, Felipe Estrada, Anders Nilsson, and Fredrik Sivertsson (2021) ‘Criminal Convictions and Immigrant Background 1973–2017 in Sweden – Have Differences Increased or Declined? Nordic Journal of Criminology, DOI: 10.1080/2578983X.2021.1900038

Bäckman, Olof, Felipe Estrada, Anders Nilsson, and Fredrik Sivertsson (2020) Den ojämlika brottsligheten. Rapport 2020:1. Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet. 

Alm, Susanne and Olof Bäckman (2020) ' "When it rains it Pours": Housing Evictions and Criminal Convictions in Sweden'. European Journal of Criminology, DOI:

Lorentzen, Thomas, Olof Bäckman, Ilari Ilmakunnas, and Timo Kauppinen (2019) ‘Pathways to Adulthood: Sequences in the School-to-Work Transition in Finland, Norway and Sweden’. Social Indicators Research, 141: 1285–1305

Bäckman, Olof, Vibeke Jakobsen, Thomas Lorentzen and Eva Österbacka (2018) ‘Early School Leaving and Labour Market Inclusion in the Nordic Countries’, in Rune Halvorsen and Bjørn Hvinden (eds.) Youth, Diversity and Employment: Comparative Perspectives on Labour Market Policies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bäckman, Olof, Felipe Estrada, and Anders Nilsson (2018) ‘Locked up and locked out? The impact of imprisonment on labour market attachment’. British Journal of Criminology, 58(5): 1044–1065.

Kahlmeter, Anna, Olof Bäckman, and Lars Brännström (2018) ‘Increased economic hardship in the wake of eviction. A Prospective Study’. European Sociological Review, 34(1): 106–119.

Bäckman, Olof (2017) ‘High School Dropout, Resource Attainment, and Criminal Convictions’. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 54(5): 715–749.


Research projects