Stockholm university

Petra Anna Petersen

About me

Ph.D in pedagogy and Lecturer at the Section for Early Childhood Education, Department of Child and Youth Studies


Teaching in Programme in Early Childhood Education


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • App-Genres for Children’s Agency – Affordances in Applications Used in Preschool

    2023. Petra Petersen. Designs for Learning 15 (1), 17-30


    In this study, the aim is to explore what genres can be found in applications used in preschool as a way to facilitate preschool teachers’ informed choices and raise awareness concerning the importance of choosing digital content carefully. In particular, applications that facilitate communication beyond a verbal majority language are in focus in this study. The research questions concern what the affordances are of applications used in preschool in relation to children’s agency and multilingual competencies and which kinds of genres that emerge from the applications’ affordances. Analyses of the applications were based on a social semiotic approach, in combination with the notion of translanguaging, taking into account many modes of communication, as well as different languages. The results illustrate how affordances include possibilities to listen to several spoken languages, opportunities to create documentation and produce stories in many different modes, including the verbal language of choice, but also restraints such as lack of opportunities for children’s agency in some applications with more closed composition. 10 genres are proposed which consist of three monolingual app-genres: talking picture books, storytelling and games, and seven app-genres that allow for several languages: talking picture books in more languages, multilingual storytelling, storytelling with recording possibilities, boardgames with recording possibilities, communication apps, draw-and-record apps and documentation apps. Conclusions highlight the importance of careful selection when choosing digital content in educational settings for younger children and that some of the app-genres proposed could be seen as facilitating digital pedagogical translanguaging.

    Read more about App-Genres for Children’s Agency – Affordances in Applications Used in Preschool
  • Flerspråkighet och digitala resurser i förskolan

    2022. Petra Petersen.


    Barn har rätt att utveckla sitt modersmål såväl som det svenska språket. Men hur kan förskolan uppnå dessa mål om pedagogerna inte talar barnens språk? Digitala resurser kan vara ett viktigt hjälp­medel för att skapa just flerspråkiga aktiviteter. När barn får bidra i förskolans sociala samvaro, med alla sina språk, skapas också förutsättningar för ett demokratiskt arbetssätt där barnen blir aktiva deltagare. Med avstamp i olika forskningsprojekt beskriver författaren hur barns modersmål och nationella minoritetsspråk kan inkluderas i förskolans vardag med hjälp av digitala resurser. I boken ges en mängd handfasta råd kring praktiska arbetssätt men också aktiviteter som kan genomföras i personalgruppen för att diskutera, utveckla och förändra verksamheten. Boken avslutas med en omfattande förteckning över olika digitala resurser som kan användas tillsammans med barnen. Här finns förslag för de fem nationella minoritets­språken samt för ytterligare 80 språk.

    Read more about Flerspråkighet och digitala resurser i förskolan
  • Multilingual Children’s Expressions of Participation in Preschool Using Digital Tablets

    2021. Petra Petersen. Multimodal Literacies Across Digital Learning Contexts, 90-103


    In this study, multilingual children’s expressions of participation in preschool are explored, with special focus on the use of digital tablets to include the children’s mother tongues and national minority languages. Video observations of children’s interactions with tablets as well as focus groups with preschool teachers were analyzed using a social semiotic approach in combination with the notion of translanguaging. Three aspects of children’s agency were found, and the emerging affordances of the digital tablets are interwoven with the multilingual children’s different expressions of participation. Being able to hear and use one’s mother tongue or minority language and experience that it is valuable in a social context is one facet of agency and was made possible by the use of digital tablets with ready-made language applications. A second aspect was when children could create their own content using their mother tongue or minority language, in open-ended applications. Being able to choose, create, and manipulate their own content non-verbally, regardless of spoken language, proves to be a third way of expressing participation. The importance of the design of the digital resources is discussed, and the possibilities of multimodal translanguaging practices are highlighted.

    Read more about Multilingual Children’s Expressions of Participation in Preschool Using Digital Tablets
  • Delaktighet och digitala resurser

    2020. Petra Petersen (et al.).

    Thesis (Doc)

    Children's different expressions of agency when using digital tablets in preschools in multilingual areas are explored in this study. Drawing on ideas problematizing the mono-lingual norm in western education (Björk-Willén, Gruber & Puskás, 2013; García, 2009; Kultti, 2012), the understanding is broadened of children's use of e.g. multilingual applications in ongoing projects. The use of digital resources in pedagogical documentation (c.f. Lenz Taguchi, 2013) is also in focus and children’s processes of creating their own documentation using digital tablets are discussed.

    Using a social semiotic approach (Kress, 1997; Selander & Kress, 2010) where children's multimodal communication is in focus, in combination with the notion of translanguaging (García, 2009), makes it possible to explore both multimodal and multilingual aspects of young children’s agency in day-to-day activities.

    Qualitative video observations of children as well as multimodal focus groups with teachers were used to reflect multimodal interaction between peers as well as with the tablet. Wireless recordings of the tablet screen were made when possible. Consolidating formal ethical guidelines (Vetenskapsrådet, 2017), particular ethical problems concerning informed consent when filming children were addressed proactively communicating with the children before and during the video recording process and allowing them to participate in the process of data collection if they wanted to.

    Incorporating other modes than verbal majority language using the affordances emerging in the use of digital tablets, children were able to express agency in both multilingual and multimodal ways. Photographical and portable modes were used by the children to create their own documentation and verbal content beyond the majority language, in applications including online and locally created resources where parents were co-producers.

    The added difficulty of expressing agency as both a young child and as a speaker of a minority or non-majority language, is discussed. The use of multimodal digital resources to create translanguaging activities might serve to overcome the specific challenges these children face. In a diverse world, where multilingual children have a right to communicate in all languages, the results could propose new ways of thinking about children’s agency and translanguaging activities in preschool.

    Read more about Delaktighet och digitala resurser
  • Beyond Borders-Digital Tablets as a Resource for Pre-school Children’s Communication in a Minority Language

    2018. Petra Petersen. Designs for Learning 10 (1), 88-99


    In this video ethnographic study, a social semiotic approach has been used to explore how the use of digital tablets in preschools may enable children’s communication in a minority language. The results show how preschool children use the emerging affordances of digital tablets in order to act as producers of minority language activities, where their prior knowledge is acknowledged. Applications such as Skype enable peers to communicate in a mutual language beyond the limitations of geographic preschool boundaries. Limitations, such as the lack of appropriate applications available in minority languages, are also discussed. Furthermore, a proposal is made to broaden the understanding of what could constitute multilingual activities.

    Read more about Beyond Borders-Digital Tablets as a Resource for Pre-school Children’s Communication in a Minority Language
  • A research review of computational thinking and programming in education

    2024. Anna Åkerfeldt, Susanne Kjällander, Petra Petersen. Technology, Pedagogy and Education


    In the following research review, 57 articles were analysed to get an insight into research in the field of computational thinking and programming in K–12. The results show that empirical research regarding programming and computational thinking is prevalent in the USA and Greece. The articles were published in 43 different academic journals. A fast-growing number of articles published in the research field during 2006–18 indicate growing interest. The articles were analysed and clustered into seven strands: 1) Evaluating digital resources, 2) Assessment, 3) Improving students’ academic performance through programming, 4) Gender and equity, 5) Games – as a method to learn programming, 6) Attitudes and motivations, and 7) Teachers’ competencies and teaching. An extensive focus is on the evaluation of different technical solutions as well as pedagogical methods. Implications for teaching and learning programming and developing computational thinking skills are discussed.

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  • Digital högläsning för flerspråkande i förskolan

    2023. Malin Nilsen, Petra Petersen, Kristina Danielsson. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning 17 (4)


    This study examined the potential for children’s multilingual development supported by a digital e-book application (Polyglutt) used in Swedish preschools. The analysis focused on the app’s software design and the reflections of 17 preschool teachers in a large Swedish city, many of whom work with multilingual groups of children. A social semiotic perspective of multimodality was utilized to evaluate the app’s potential and a qualitative content analysis was employed to analyse the interviews. Findings indicated that the app was popular among the teachers and was considered an efficient tool for read-aloud activities, although the potential for multilingual purposes was rarely realized. The analysis shows that the app has potential for multilingual interaction, yet the design does not always make this clearly visible. Didactic implications of the use of the application are critically discussed.

    Read more about Digital högläsning för flerspråkande i förskolan
  • Översikt avseende forskning och erfarenheter kring programmering i förskola och grundskola

    2016. Susanne Kjällander, Anna Åkerfeldt, Petra Petersen.


    Det övergripande målet för denna översikt är att presentera och diskutera aktuell svensk forskning och pågående projekt relaterat till lärande och programmering i svensk förskola och grundskola. Detta görs i relation till internationell forskning. De reflektioner som presenteras är författarnas egna. Översikten, som ett uppdrag från Skolverket inom ramen för att ta fram förslag till nationella it-strategier för skolväsendet, har tagits fram av fil. dr. Susanne Kjällander, fil. dr. Anna Åkerfeldt och fil. lic. Petra Petersen.

    Read more about Översikt avseende forskning och erfarenheter kring programmering i förskola och grundskola

Show all publications by Petra Anna Petersen at Stockholm University