Stockholm university

Maria PlazaAssociate professor


A. Undergraduate level:

• all modules of Latin I, as well as the web course Prima Latina, which is a non-campus equivalent to the first half of Latin I (15 academic points);

• Latin II: the modules ”Rhetoric and grammar”, ”Classical Latin: poetry”, ”Roman historians”;

• Latin III: the modules ”Golden-Age prose”, ”Classical Latin: prose and poetry”, ”Review essay”;

• Candidate and Magister levels: examinator for all self-study modules. Supervisor of some essays at these levels.

B. Graduate level:

• Responsible for the Latin Seminar at SU. This is a common seminar for Advanced-level students, postgraduate students, and scholars of Latin.

• Head supervisor for doctoral student Per Sandström. Topic:  ”Lucubratiunculae Calpurnianae. Two studies in the Eclogues of Calpurnius Siculus”.



literary studies; Roman literature, esp. satire, the novel, and historiography; humour studies

Research projects

Ongoing projects

Good and evil. Literary images of morality in Caesar and Sallust. Financed by the Swedish Research Council 2010-2014.

Concluded projects

Satura ridet. The function of humour in Roman verse satire. Financed by the Swedish Research Council 2001-2004.

Scientific assignments

• Chairman of the editorial board of Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, Stockholm UP

• Member of the organizing committee for the Seminar in Pre-Modern Literature at SU (”Äldretextseminariet”)

• Subject representative (Latin) at the Dept. for Romance Studies and Classics, SU