Stockholm university

Rita Nõu

About me

I currently work at the Department of Child and Youth Studies as a communications professional with a primary responsibility for the department's research communication. I also have the responsibility for communication activitites within the Centre for the Studies of Children's Culture including the annual two-day event, Children's culture Symposium, taking place in March.

My main responsibility is to channel our departments research, this means both communicating towards internal and external audience as well as preparing and facilitating the department's reserach projects on our webb. ln addition I handle our alumnus communication including events and seminaries. I'm responsible for communication planning covering both strategic and operational pieces. My daily tasks include web editing the department's Swedish and English website, managing our social media channels Facebook and LinkedIn, preparing content and creating newsletters, invitations and folders

Furthermore, I produce printed materials and am engaged in planning and preparations of the department's student recruitment fairs and events.