Stockholm university

Sabina HadzibulicSenior lecturer

About me

I am a doctor in sociology (Ph. D.) and a senior lecturer. My research interests concern religion, migration, culture, music, and nostalgia. At the moment, I am researching spiritual care in Swedish prisons.

My first postdoctoral project was conducted at Åbo Academy University in Åbo, Finland (2015-2017), and financed by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Suomen Kulttuurirahasto) and Waldemar Von Frenckell's Foundation (Waldemar Von Frenckells stiftelse). My second postdoctoral project was conducted at the Theological Institution in Uppsala (2017-2019) as a part of the IMPACT Program (Impact of Religion – Challenges for Society, Law, and Democracy). 

I was the chairman of the Association of Female Researchers (FKF) in Uppsala 2019-2022, whose purpose is to be a meeting place for women researchers, provide interdisciplinary contacts and collaborations, protect the interests of researchers, and work for equal career conditions for female and male researchers.

Since 2011 I have been the organizer and module leader of the International Summer School of Social Work and Practice in Dubrovnik, Croatia. I am responsible for the module on Social Work and Spirituality.

In September 2022, I participated in Forskarfredag - Låna en forskare and lectured about my research in several gymnasiums and schools in Stockholm.

I am the correspondent for Serbia in the EUREL project (Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe and beyond;

In addition to a university degree in sociology, I have a BA and an MA in Vocal Studies. I have been active as both a singing teacher and a singer for many years.

Since 2019, I have also been a trained vocational teacher from Åbo Academy University in Vasa, Finland.


At the moment,  I mainly teach the following courses:

Basic level:

Social work program, the sixth term: Research methods, 7.5 credits.
Social work program, the sixth term: Research planning, 7.5 credits.
Social work program, the third term: Qualitative research methods, 7.5 credits.
Social work program, the third term: Social work and social problems, 7.5 credits.
Social work program, the third term: Sociology for social work, 7.5 credits.