Stockholm university

Jerzy Sarnecki

About me

Professor Jerzy Sarnecki from Stockholm University's Department of Criminology is a regular commentator in the Swedish media on the subject of crime. Sarnecki came to Sweden in 1968, where he earned a PhD in sociology at Stockholm University. 

During his studies Professor Sarnecki also worked part-time at several youth recreation centres. This experience influenced the direction his research was to take and although he gained his PhD in sociology he became an expert on Swedish juvenile delinquency and moved into the field of criminology.

After a spell working at the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, where he was recruited for his work on juvenile delinquency, he took up the chair of criminology at Stockholm University in 1993.

Since then Professor Sarnecki has been involved in the emergence of criminology as a leading academic discipline.

"Even every small university has courses in criminology," says Sarnecki. "There's been an enormous explosion of interest in this field of research."


Sarnecki, whose position is officially entitled Chair of General Criminology, retains his long-standing interest in the question of crime amongst young people in Sweden.

He is currently leading a longitudinal research project entitled: “The Stockholm Life Course Project: Life-Courses and Crime In the Swedish Welfare State Through Half a Century”. This research follows up on two previous studies of men who participated in the Clientele Study of 1956, and Jonssons and Kälvestens 322

Another area of Sarnecki research is the use of network theory and methodology for the study of crime. He is currently working on two research projects with this focus. The project team includes in addition to criminologists also sociologists and physicists.
Sarnecki has also written on social reactions to crime and how different institutions within and outside the judicial system operates. Currently he is working on issues related to the saturation of the police.


Criminal Networks in Stockholm (med Tove Pettersson) in The Eurogang Paradox. Street Gangs and Youth Groups in the U.S. and Europe Edited by Malcolm W Klein, Hans – Jurgen Kerner, Charyl L. Maxon and Elmar G. M. Weitekamp. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.2001
Delinquent Networks. Youth Co-offending in Stockholm Cambridge Studies in Criminology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2001
Kontrollens betydelse för ungas brottslighet Läkartidningen Vol. 98, Nr. 20, 2001, sid. 2478 – 2483
Brottsliga nätverk i Stockholm. I Estrada. F, Flyghed. J. Den svenska ungdomsbrottligheten. Studentlitteratur 2002 (sid 144 – 216)
Kontrollens betydelse för ungas brottslighet i Söderholm Carpelan, K. & Wedding, R. (red.) Ung med tung social problematik. Hur kan vi förstå, förutsäga och planera för framtida behandling? Statens Institutionsstyrelse 2002
Introduktion till kriminologi. Lund: Studentlitteratur 2003
Kunskapsbaserad brottsprevention. Teoretiska utgångspunkter för brottsförebyggande arbete i Stockholms stad. Stockholms stad, september 2004
Girls and Boys in Delinquent networks. International Annals of Criminology. International Society for Criminology. Annee 2004 (volume 42-1/2)
Är rättvisan rättvis? Tio perspektiv på diskriminering av etniska och religiös minoriteter inom rättsystemet. Rapport från Utredningen om makt, integration och strukturell diskriminering. Statens Offentliga Utredningar SOU 2006:30 (red.)
Strukturell diskriminering i rättsväsendet på grund av etnisk och religiös tillhörighet. En introduktion och sammanfattning. I Sarnecki, J. (red) Rapport från Utredningen om makt, integration och strukturell diskriminering. Statens Offentliga Utredningar SOU 2006:30
”Brottslighet hos personer födda i Sverige och i utlandet” ur ett strukturellt diskriminerings perspektiv I Sarnecki, J.  (red.) Rapport från Utredningen om makt, integration och strukturell diskriminering. Statens Offentliga Utredningar SOU 2006:30
Reaction to Juvenile Deliquency. Swedish Model. I Edited by Eric L. Jensen and Jorgen Jepsen Juvenile Law Violators, Human Rights, and the Development ofNew Juvenile Justice Systems Oxford and Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, 2006
Keeping the balance between Humanism and Penal Punitivism: Recent Trends in Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in Sweden. Med F Estrada I Junger-Tas, J. & Decker, S. H. International Handbook of Juvenile Justice. Springer 2006.
Stöld i Sverige. Theft in Sweden. In Brott i välfärden. Om brottslighet, utsatthet och kriminalpolitik. Stockholm . Kriminologiska institutionen 2007.
Nätverk eller gäng? Medbrottslingskap hos ungdomar. I Den svenska ungdomsbrottsligheten. Estrada F, Flyghed J. (Red) 2007
Våld mot kvinnor är en del av ett större våld. Läkartidningen Nr. 7, 2008 Volym 105
Introduktion till kriminologi. Andra upplagan. Studentlitteratur 2009.
Delinquent networks – Youth Co-offending I International handbook in Criminology. Schneider (red.) WG Recht. 2009
Brottsligheten och samhället Studentlitteratur 2010.
Polisens prestationer - en ESO-rapport om resultatstyrning och effektivitet. Rapport till Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig Ekonomi. Finansdepartementet Rapport 2010:3
 ”Zarządzanie przez wyniki w policji. Kilka poglądów na podstawie badań szwedzkich i międzynarodowychPrzegląd Policyjny 1 (101) 2011
Crime as a Price of Inequality? The Delinquency Gap Between Children of Immigrants and Crime as a Price of Inequality? The Delinquency Gap between Children of Immigrants and Children of Native Swedes.  (Med Martin Hällsten och Ryszard Szulkin) SULCIS Stockholm Universitet Working paper 2011:1
European Perspective” (med Martin Killias och Santiago Rendondo) in Loeber R. and Farrington D. (Eds.) Persisters and Desisters in Crime From Adolescence Into Adulthood: Explanation, Prevention and Punishment.Ashgate Publishing 2012.
Den ökande sociala kontrollen och brottsutvecklingen” I Lotta Pettersson och Tove Pettersson (Red.) Kontrollens variationer Studentlitteratur 2012.

Research projects