E-mail: maria.grafstrom@score.su.se

Maria is an associate professor in business studies and a researcher at Score – Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research – at Stockholm School of Economics and Stockholm University. Her research interest is very much motivated by the ongoing mediatisation of organisational life. A point of departure for her studies is that organisations are increasingly permeated and influenced by a media logic – working methods and professional norms of news production and distribution are present far outside of news editorial offices and media organisations.

Key questions of Maria’s research concern the relationship between media and organizations, how processes of mediatisation influence contemporary organizations and management, and how media participate in creating and circulating ideas and shape organisational agendas as for example the development within the field of corporate responsibility and business ethics. Her studies include the organizational development of business media and journalism, the transformation of news production and organizational communication online, corporate communication and reputation management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). More recently Maria’s interest for media and the role of communication in organization have engaged her in two additional research settings: (1) the organising of, and role of communication within, municipal urban planning projects, and (2) knowledge production in integrated science projects.

Theoretically, Maria’s research has to a large extent been inspired and influenced by organizational institutional theory – within the Scandinavian, as well as the North American, traditions. Consequently, central theoretical themes of investigation have been developments of and change within organizational fields (inter-organizational relations), the role of actors (for example institutional entrepreneurs) in such change processes and the creation, spread and impact of institutional ideas and norms (institutional logics and social categorization).