Stockholm university

Veronica Brunér AnjouPhD student

About me

I am a doctoral student and a member of the research group Pedagogy and Health at the Departement of Education. In my PhD research project, I depart from the goal that is stipulated in the Swedish Health and Medical Services Act of a health care on equal terms for the whole population, and investigate what such a goal would mean in relation to the contemporary psychiatric health care. Questions I address are for example: does today’s psychiatric health care entail equal terms for all of its patients, and if not then in what way and why are terms unequal?

The project is based primarily on interviews with people who have experience of receiving psychiatric health care, as well as with psychiatric health care personnel. Theoretically, it draws foremost on institutional theory and discourse analysis, but has also been influenced for example by critical psychology and psychiatry, gender theory and intersectional research.


Review (2020): Bortom Tellerrand: Was kann eine schwedische Psychologin von deutschen Psychiatrie-Erfahrenen lernen? In Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen 3/2020

Conference contribution (June 2019): Institutional Preconditions for Social Equality in Modern Psychiatric Health Care – the Case of Nacka, at the conference The Material and Immaterial Heritage of Psychiatry