Stockholm university

Research group Medicinal Chemistry Hit2Lead

We medicinal chemists design and synthesize new compounds to accelerate academic drug discovery projects.

Group description

We would like to invent new medicins to treat different diseases. Drug discovery is challening and complex and to be successful you need to understand the underlying cause of the disease, set up system to evaluate the potential and limitations with the compounds made and also to evaluate the approach selected to treat the disease. We do this in collaboration with the other facilities at SciLifeLab Drug Discovery and Development and Swedish academic groups with the goal to develop a new drug.

Group members

Group managers

Ylva Gravenfors

1:e forskningsingenjör

Department of Organic Chemistry


Lars Henrik Sandberg


Department of Organic Chemistry

Rémi Caraballo

Research Engineer

Department of Organic Chemistry

Fredrik Klingegård

1:e forskningsingenjör

Department of Organic Chemistry

Christoffer Bengtsson

1:e Forskningsingenjör

Department of Organic Chemistry