Stockholm university

Research group Nordic Gambling Research Network – Gambling in Context (GAMIC)

The primary objective of GAMIC is to form a strong Nordic gambling research network involving senior and junior researchers and integrating existing national networks with aim of eliciting a strong and interdisciplinary Nordic contribution to the gambling research field.

The overall aim is to bring together researchers from the Nordic countries to discuss, compare and present research that capture the broader socio-political, technological and cultural factors that influence gambling practices and potential problems to nurture interdisciplinary and comparative research, to develop new research ideas and to lay grounds for a consortium initiating joint research.

Group description

This Nordic gambling research network involves senior and junior researchers, and integrates existing national networks, with the aim of eliciting a strong and interdisciplinary Nordic contribution to the gambling research field.

Group members

Group managers

Jenny Cisneros Örnberg

Head of Department/Lecturer

Department of Public Health Sciences
Jenny Cisneros Örnberg