Stockholm university


Here you find some of the databases used in Demographic research.

The Contextual Database of the Swedish Generations and Gender Survey

The Contextual Database of the Swedish Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) provides macro-level contextual indicators of Sweden as part of the contextual database of the international Generations and Gender Programme (GGP). The goal of the GGP is to provide internationally comparable data for investigations of causes and consequences of fundamental changes in family and fertility behavior of women and men, and to determine to what extent contextual factors account for the diversity of these changes across Europe. To this end the GGP comprises harmonized national individual-level panel surveys (link to the survey info) and matched comparative macro-level contextual indicators (Contextual Databases). The Swedish CDB is open access and can be downloaded from the website of the GGP 

European Union Family Policy Dataset

This data set comprises family-policy related preparatory acts and legislation at the European Union level. The data were retrieved from EUR-LEX spanning the period from the 1974 to 2015. Complete words, word stems, part of words, or combinations of words were used in title search and in text search to retrieve the documents. The dataset includes family-policy related legally binding acts (regulations, directives and decisions) and preparatory acts (COM) issued by the European Commission that are relevant for all member states of the European Union. To facilitate an update of the database we maintained the information provided in EUR-LEX 2015 for each entry.

European Union Family Policy Dataset (146 Kb)

EU policies and Fertility SRRD_2017_10 (602 Kb)

The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study: Contextual Database

The contextual database for The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study (HOLK) provides aggregate data on housing and housing statistics for Sweden during 1975-2003. The data are collected from national agencies. The data can be linked to individual-level data of HOLK or to other relevant data.

Description of database:  Holk SRRD 2011_21 (304 Kb)