Stockholm university

Previous Working papers 1982-2009

You can find our Stockholm Research Reports in Demography from 1982-2009 here.

Please note that the working papers published here are not peer-reviewed. For a list of our publications in peer-reviewed journals and books by the Stockholm University Demography Unit, please see this page!

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  • SRRD_2009:13 Andersson,Gunnar, Michaela Kreyenfeld, and Tatjana Mika, Welfare State Context, Female Earnings and Childbearing in Denmark and Germany. Final version published 2014 as "Welfare state context, female labour-market attachment and childbearing in Germany and Denmark" in Journal of Population Research 31(4): 287-316. DOI 10.1007/s12546-014-9135-3.
  • SRRD_2009:12 Billingsley, Sunnee, Fertility and Economic Crisis: Inflation, Wage Devaluation and Job Instability in Russia. Final version published 2011as Economic crisis and recovery: Changes in Second Birth Rates within Occupational Classes and Educational Groups in Demographic Research 24(16): 375-406.
  • SRRD_2009:11 Kolk, Martin, Deliberate Birth Spacing in Pre-transitional Sweden. Final version published 2011 as Deliberate Birth Spacing in Nineteenth Century Northern Sweden in European Journal of Population 27(3): 337-359.
  • SRRD_2009:10 Ma, Li, Social Policy and Childbearing Behavior in Japan since the 1960s: An Individual Level Perspective
  • SRRD_2009:9 Brandén, Maria, Occupational branch, educational level and gender differences in regional mobility -Sweden 1998-2003
  • SRRD_2009:8 Thalberg, Sara, Money, Policy and Norms: Childbearing Behavior of Swedish Students in the 1980s and 1990s. Final version published 2011 as Does Money Matter? Childbearing Behavior of Swedish Students in the 1980s and 1990s, in Finnish Yearbook of Population Research XLVI: 5-20.
  • SRRD_2009:7 Ohlsson, Sofi, Marriage in Fashion? Trend Reversal in Marriage Formation in Sweden. Final version published 2011 in Population Studies 65 (2): 183-200.
  • SRRD_2009:6 Ström, Sara, Housing and First Births in Sweden, 1972-2005. Final version published 2010 in Housing Studies 25(4): 509-526.
  • SRRD_2009:5 Kennedy, Sheela, and Elizabeth Thomson, Children’s Experiences of Family Disruption in Sweden: Differentials by Parent Education over Three Decades. Final version published 2010 in Demographic Research 23(17): 479-508.
  • SRRD_2009:4 Goldscheider, Frances, Calvin Goldscheider, and Eva Bernhardt, Creating Egalitarian Families among Adult Children of Immigrants in Sweden. Final version published 2011 in International Migration Review 45(1): 68-88.
  • SRRD_2009:3 Thomson, Elizabeth, Maria Winkler-Dworak, and Sheela Kennedy, Education and the Family Life Course. Final version published 2012 as The Standard Family Life Course: An Assessment off Variability in Life Course Pathways. In: Evans, A. and J. Baxter Eds, Negotiating the Life Course in Life Pathways. Springer.
  • SRRD_2009:2 Cassel, Per Gunnar, Induced Legal Abortion in Sweden during 1939-1974: Change in Practice and Legal Reform
  • SRRD_2009:1 Thomson, Elizabeth, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Martin Spielauer, and Alexia Prskawetz, Union Instability as an Engine of Fertility? A Micro-simulation Model for France. Final version published 2012 in Demography 49(1): 175-195.


  • SRRD_2008:9 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, and Ann-Christin Jans, Consequences of Fathers’ Parental Leave Use: Evidence from Sweden. Final version published in Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 2009: 51-62.
  • SRRR_2008:8 Aarskaug Wiik, Kenneth, Eva Bernhardt, and Turid Noack, Love or Money? Marriage Intentions among Young Cohabitors in Norway and Sweden. Final version published 2010 in Acta Sociologica 53(3): 269-287.
  • SRRD_2008:7 Kaufman, Gayle, and Eva Bernhardt, Employer Policies, Job Characteristics and Fertility in Sweden. Final version published 2012 as His and her job: What matters most for fertility plans and actual childbearing? in Family Relations 61: 686-697.
  • SRRD_2008:6 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Trude Lappegård, and Gunnar Andersson, Family Policy and Fertility: Fathers’ and Mothers’ Use of Parental Leave and Continued Childbearing in Norway and Sweden. Final version published 2010 in Journal of European Social Policy 20(1): 45-57.
  • SRRD_2008:5 Kulu, Hill, Paul J. Boyle, and Gunnar Andersson, High Suburban Fertility: Evidence from Four Northern European Countries. Final version published 2009 in Demographic Research 21(31): 915-944.
  • SRRD_2008:4 Woldemicael, Gebremariam, Reproductive Intentions and Fertility in Ethiopia and Eritrea: Trends and Prospects for the Future. Final version published 2010 as Declining Fertility in Eritrea Since the Mid-1990s:A Demographic Response to Military Conflict in International Journal of Conflict and Violence 4(1): 149-168.
  • SRRD_2008:3 Olah, Livia, First Childbearing at Higher Ages in Sweden and Hungary from the Mid-1970s to the Early 1990s: A Gender Approach. Final version published 2010 in Scandinavian Population Studies 14: 91-116.
  • SRRD_2008:2 Andersson, Gunnar, Marit Rønsen, Lisbeth Knudsen, Trude Lappegård, Gerda Neyer, Kari Skrede, Kathrin Teschner, and Andres Vikat, Cohort Fertility Patterns in the Nordic Countries. Final version published 2009 in Demographic Research 20(14): 313-352.
  • SRRD_2008:1 Moors, Guy and Eva Bernhardt, Splitting Up or Getting Married? Competing Risk Analysis of Transitions Among Cohabiting Couples in Sweden. Final version published 2009 in Acta Sociologica 52(3): 227-247.


  • SRRD_2007:4 Thomson, Elizabeth and Eva Bernhardt, Education, Values and Union Formation in Sweden. Final version published 2010 in Marriage and Family Review 46(1&2): 1-21.
  • SRRD_2007:3 Woldemicael, Gebremariam, Do Women with Higher Autonomy Seek More Maternal and Child Health-Care? Evidence from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Final version published 2010 in Health Care for Women International 31: 599-620.
  • SRRD_2007:2 Neyer, Gerda and Gunnar Andersson, Consequences of Family Policies on Childbearing Behavior: Effects or Artifacts? Final version published 2008 in Population and Development Review 34(4): 699-724.
  • SRRD_2007:1 Andersson, Gunnar, A Review of Policies and Practices Related to the "Highest-Low" Fertility of Sweden. Final version published in Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2008: 89-102.


  • SRRD-142 Oláh, Livia Sz., Dissolution of the first parental union in Sweden and Hungary: A gender perspective (December 2000). Gender and family stability: Dissolution of the first parental union in Sweden and Hungary, Demographic research, 4(2), Feb. 2001.
  • SRRD-141 Santow, Gigi and Michael Bracher, Deferment of the first birth and fluctuating fertility in Sweden (October 2000). European Journal of Population, 17, 343-363, 2001.
  • SRRD-140 Corman, Diana, Family policies, working life arrangements, and the third child in two low-fertility populations: A comparative study of contemporary France and Sweden (June 2000).


  • SRRD-139 Sundström, Marianne and Ann-Zofie E. Duvander, Family division of child care: Why do -or don't- Swedish fathers take parental leave? (October 1999). Gender division of childcare and the sharing of parental leave among new parents in Sweden, European Sociological Review, 18, 433-447, 2002.
  • SRRD-138 Sundström, Marianne, Part-time work in Sweden --- An institutionalist perspective (September 1999). In Carl leGrand and Toshiko Tsukaguchi-leGrand (eds.), Women in Japan and Sweden: Work and Family in Two Welfare Regimes, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Studies in Sociology N.S. 18, 2003.
  • SRRD-137 Andersson, Gunnar, Selectivity in higher-order childbearing in Sweden (August 1999). Paper VII, Trends in Childbearing and Nuptiality in Sweden: A Period Analysis, Stockholm University Demography Unit, Dissertation Series, No. 2. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 43, 33-40, 2007-2008.
  • SRRD-136 Andersson, Gunnar, The impact of labor-force participation on childbearing behavior: pro-cyclical fertility in Sweden during the 1980s and the 1990s (July 1999). European Journal of Population, 16(4), 293-333, 2000.
  • SRRD-135 Henz, Ursula, The impact of family formation on higher education in Sweden (April 1999). Family formation and participation in higher education: Crosscutting life-course events?, in Jan O. Jonsson and Colin Mills (eds.), Cradle to Grave. Life-course Change in Modern Sweden, Sociology Press, 2001, pp. 45-69.
  • SRRD-134 Hoem, Jan M., Alexia Prskawetz and Gerda Neyer, Third births in Austria: The effect of public policies, educational attainment, and labor-force attachment (March 1999). Autonomy or conservative adjustment? The effect of public policies and educational attainment on third births in Austria, 1975-96, Population Studies, 55, 249-261, 2001.
  • SRRD-133 Andersson, Gunnar, Trends in childbearing and nuptiality in Sweden, 1961(71)-1997 (March 1999). Paper I, Trends in Childbearing and Nuptiality in Sweden: A Period Analysis, Stockholm University Demography Unit. In L.-G. Tedebrand and P. Sköld (eds.) Nordic Demography in History and Present-Day Society, Scandinavian Population Studies, 12, Umeå University, 2001, pp. 67-100.
  • SRRD-132 Hoem, Jan M., Systematic patterns of zero exposures in event-history analysis (March 1999). Sociological Methodology, 30, 237-259, 2000.
  • SRRD-131 Santow, Gigi and Michael Bracher, Explaining trends in teenage childbearing in Sweden (January 1999). Studies in Family Planning, 30(3), 169-182, 1999.
  • SRRD-130 Oláh, Livia Sz., Do public policies influence fertility? Evidence from Sweden and Hungary from a gender perspective (December 1998). Gendering fertility: Second births in Sweden and Hungary, Population Research and Policy Review, 22(2), 171-200, 2003.


  • SRRD-129 Henz, Ursula and Marianne Sundström, Earnings as a force of attraction and specialization (December 1998). Partner choice and women's paid work in Sweden. The role of earnings, European Sociological Review, 17, 295-316, 2001.
  • SRRD-128 Santow, Gigi, Emmenagogues and abortifacients in the twentieth century: an issue of ambiguity (October 1998). In Etienne Van de Walle and Elisha P. Renne (eds.), Regulating Menstruation: Beliefs, Practices, Interpretations, Chapter 4, University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp 64-92.
  • SRRD-127 Woldemicael, Gebremariam, The effects of water supply and sanitation on childhood mortality in urban Eritrea (October 1998). Journal of Biosocial Science, 32, 207-227, 2000.
  • SRRD-126 Oláh, Livia Sz., Eva M. Bernhardt, and Frances K. Goldscheider, Coresidential paternal roles in three countries: Sweden, Hungary, and the United States (October 1998). Coresidential paternal roles in industrialized countries: Sweden, Hungary, and the United States, in Barbara Hobson (ed.), Making Men Into Fathers: Men, Masculinities and the Social Politics of Fatherhood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 25-57.


  • SRRD-125 Vikat, Andres, Elizabeth Thomson, and Jan M. Hoem, Stepfamily fertility in contemporary Sweden: The impact of childbearing before the current union (December 1997). Population Studies, 53(2), 211-225, 1999.
  • SRRD-124 Berinde, Diana, Two pathways to a third child (December 1997). Pathways to a third child, European Journal of Population, 15(4), 349-378,1999.
  • SRRD-123 Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem, Fertility trends in Sweden up to 1996 (November 1997). Population Bulletin (United Nations), 40/41, 318-333, 1999.
  • SRRD-122 Santow, Gigi, The mortality, epidemiological and health transitions: Their relevance for the study of health and mortality (November 1997). In J. Chamie and R.L. Cliquet (eds.), Health and Mortality: Issues of Global Concern, Popuplation and Family Study Centre, Brussels, and Population Division, United Nations, New York, 1999, pp.39-53.
  • SRRD-121 Andersson, Gunnar, Skilsmässor i Sverige: effekter av kvinnans och yngsta barnets ålder (September 1997). Låg skilsmässorisk bland medelålders, Välfärdsbulletinen No 5, 4-6, 1997.
  • SRRD-120 Henz, Ursula and Johannes Huinink, Problems concerning the parametric analysis of the age at family formation and the estimation of birth distances (May 1997). Problems concerning the parametric analysis of the age at first birth, Mathematical Population Studies, 7(2), 131-145, 1999.
  • SRRD-119 Hoem, Jan M., The impact of the first child on family stability (May 1997).
  • SRRD-118 Carlson, Elwood and Jan M. Hoem, The low-weight infant-survival paradox: Nurture, not nature (February 1997). Low-weight neonatal survival paradox in the Czech Republic, American Journal of Epidemiology, 149(5), 447-453, 1999.
  • SRRD-117 Andersson, Gunnar, Childbearing trends in Sweden 1961-1995 (January 1997). Childbearing trends in Sweden 1961-1997, European Journal of Population, 15(1), 1-24, 1999.
  • SRRD-116 Bracher, Michael and Gigi Santow, Economic independence and union formation in Sweden (January 1997). Population Studies, 52(3), 275-294, 1998.


  • SRRD-115 Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem, Sweden's family policies and roller-coaster fertility (January 1997). Journal of Population Problems (Tokyo), 52(3-4), 1-22, 1996.
  • SRRD-114 Carlson, Elwood, Jitka Rychtáríkova, and Jan M. Hoem, Trajectories of fetal loss (October 1996). Trajectories of fetal loss in the Czech Republic, Demography, 36(3), 327-337, 1999.
  • SRRD-113 Thomson, Elizabeth and Jan M. Hoem, Couple childbearing plans and births in Sweden (October 1996). Demography, 35(3), 315-322, 1998.
  • SRRD-112 Rönsen, Marit and Marianne Sundström, Women's return to work after first birth in the Nordic countries - full time or part time? (January 1997). The choice between full-time and part-time work for Norwegian and Swedish mothers, in I. Persson and C. Jonung (eds.), Economics of the Family and Family Policies, London, Routledge, 1997, pp. 159-177.
  • SRRD-111 Albrecht, James W., Per-Anders Edin, Marianne Sundström, and Susan B. Vroman, Career interruptions and subsequent earnings: A reexamination using Swedish data (December 1996). Journal of Human Resources, 34(2): 294-311, 1999. Kvinnors och mäns löner - förvärvsavbrottens betydelse, in I. Persson and E. Wadensjö (eds.), Kvinnors och mäns löner - varför så olika?, Stockholm, SOU 1997:136, pp. 244-255.
  • SRRD-110 Henz, Ursula, Der Erwerb allgemeinbildender Schulabschlüsse nach Verlassen des ersten Bildungsweges (September 1996). "Der nachgeholte Erwerb allgemein- bildender Schulabschlüsse: Analysen zur quantitativen Entwicklung und sozialen Selektivität", Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 49(2), 223-241, 1997.
  • SRRD-109 Henz, Ursula, Der Beitrag von Schulformwechseln zur Offenheit des allgemeinbildenden Schulsystems (September 1996). Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 26(1), 53-69, 1997.
  • SRRD-108 Santow, Gigi and Michael Bracher, Whither marriage? Trends, correlates, and interpretations (September 1996). International Population Conference Beijing, Vol. 2, pp. 919-939. Liège: IUSSP, 1997.
  • SRRD-107 Moors, Guy, The valued child. The effect of values on the transition to motherhood (June 1996).
  • SRRD-106 Henz, Ursula, The behaviour of defective parametric distributions with successively earlier censoring (June 1996). Henz, Ursula and Johannes Huinink, Problems concerning the parametric analysis of the age at family formation and the estimation of birth distances, Mathematical Population Studies, 7, 131-145, 1999.
  • SRRD-105 Schullström, Ylva, Pengar och kärlek. Arbetsinkomstens effekt på svenska kvinnors benägenhet att ingå sitt första parförhållande 1968-1992 (June 1996).
  • SRRD-104 Hoem, Britta, Some features of recent demographic trends in Sweden (April 1996). Acta Demographica [lost in press].
  • SRRD-103 Hong, Ying, Patterns of divorce risk in the 1970s and 1980s for Swedish women with a gymnasium education (May 1996). In Yearbook of Population Research in Finland, 33, 1996 pp. 44-59.
  • SRRD-102 Andersson, Gunnar, The impact of children on divorce risks of Swedish women (May 1996). European Journal of Population, 13(2), 109-145, 1997.
  • SRRD-101 Näsman, Elisabet, Vuxnas intresse av att se med barns ögon (February 1996).
  • SRRD-100 Tyrkkö, Arja, Föräldraskap och arbetets villkor (February 1996).
  • SRRD-99 Näsman, Elisabet, Faderskapets synlighet i arbetsplatskulturer (February 1996).
  • SRRD-98 Oláh, Livia Sz., The impact of public policies on the second-birth rates in Sweden: a gender perspective (October 1996). Gendering Fertility: Second births in Sweden and Hungary, Population Research and Policy Review, 22(2), 171-200, 2003.


  • SRRD-97 Rönsen, Marit and Marianne Sundström, Maternal employment in the Nordic countries: a comparison of the after-birth employment activity of Norwegian and Swedish women (September 1995). Maternal employment in Scandinavia: A comparison of the after-birth employment activity of Norwegian and Swedish women, Journal of Population Economics, 9(3), 267-285, 1996.
  • SRRD-96 Andersson, Gunnar, Trends in marriage formation in Sweden 1971-1993 (June 1995). European Journal of Population, 14(2), 157-178, 1998.
  • SRRD-95 Hoem, Jan M., Educational capital and divorce risk in Sweden in the 1970s and 1980s (August 1995). Educational gradients in divorce risks in Sweden in recent decades, Population Studies, 51, 19-27, 1997.
  • SRRD-94 Sundström, Marianne, Swedish parental leave in the perspective of European integration (March 1995).
  • SRRD-93 Hoem, Jan M., Harmless omission in the standardization of demographic rates (March 1995). European Journal of Population, 11(4), 313-322, 1995.
  • SRRD-92 Andersson, Gunnar, Giftermålsutvecklingen i Sverige 1971-1993 (January 1995).
  • SRRD-91 Hoem, Britta, The social meaning of education for third-birth fertility: A methodological note on the need to sometimes respecify an intermediate variable (January 1995). In Yearbook of Population Research in Finland, 33, 1996, pp. 333-339.
  • SRRD-90 Bracher, Michael and Gigi Santow, Traditional families and fertility decline: Lessons from Australia's Southern Europeans (January 1995). In Richard Leete (ed.), The Dynamics of Values in Fertility Change, Chapter 3, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999, pp. 51-77.
  • SRRD-89 Santow, Gigi, Education and hysterectomy (January 1995). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 35(1), 60-69, 1995.
  • SRRD-88 Andersson, Gunnar, Increasing divorce risks in Sweden 1971-1993 (November 1994). Divorce-risk trends in Sweden 1971-1993, European Journal of Population, 11(4), 293-311, 1995.


  • SRRD-87 Båvner, Per och Jan M. Hoem, Risker för skilsmässa: är förstfödsloåldern ett bättre mått på startålderns betydelse än giftermålsåldern är? (November 1994).
  • SRRD-86 Andersson, Gunnar, Skilsmässoutvecklingen i Sverige 1971-1993 (September 1994).
  • SRRD-85 Stafford, Frank and Marianne Sundström, Time out for childcare and career wages of men and women (August 1994). Time out for childcare: Signalling and earnings rebound effects for men and women, Labour, 10(3), 609-629, 1996.
  • SRRD-84 Hoem, Jan M., Educational gradients in divorce risks in Sweden in recent decades. (March 1995). Utbildning gynnar stabiliteten i äktenskapet, in Hearing om skilsmässor och familjesplittring, Kommitten för FN:s familjeår, Social-departementet, Stockholm, 1994, pp. 17-20. Population Studies, 51(1): 19-27, 1997.
  • SRRD-83 Bernhardt, Eva, Overcrowding and mortality from airborne infectious disease: The case of Stockholm 1895-1925 (May 1994). In Anders Brandström and Lars-Göran Tedebrand (eds.), Swedish Urban Demography during Industrialization, Demographic Database Umeå University Report No. 10, Umeå University, 1995, pp. 65-91.
  • SRRD-82 Sundström, Marianne, More children and more paid work: birth-leave-work strategies of Swedish women in the 1980s (February 1994). Determinants of the use of parental leave benefits by women in Sweden in the 1980s, Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, 5, 76-82, 1996.
  • SRRD-81 Sundström, Marianne, Managing work and children: Part-time work and the family cycle of Swedish women (February 1994). In H.-P. Blossfeld and C. Hakim (eds.), Between Equalization and Marginalization. Part time Working Women in Europe and the United States of America. Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. 272-288.


  • SRRD-80 Ghilagaber, Gebrenegus, The relationship between premarital cohabitation and marital stability: Evidence for Swedish men born in 1936-1960 (November 1993).
  • SRRD-79 Ghilagaber, Gebrenegus, Performance in the Swedish scholastic aptitude test: Structural stability across background variables (September 1993).
  • SRRD-78 Sundström, Marianne, The role of the parental- leave program for Sweden's high rate of female labor-force participation and fertility (September 1993).
  • SRRD-77 Ghilagaber, Gebrenegus, Family initiation among Swedish males born 1936-1964: The choice between marriage and cohabitation (June 1993).
  • SRRD-76 Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, Alessandra De Rose, Jan M. Hoem, and Götz Rohwer, Education, modernization, and the risk of marriage disruption: differences in the effect of women's educational attainment in Sweden, West-Germany, and Italy. (February 1993) In Karen O. Mason and An-Magritt Jensen, (eds.), Gender and Family Change in Industrialized Countries. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, pp. 200-222.
  • SRRD-75 Hoem, Jan M., Classical demographic methods of analysis and modern event-history techniques (February 1993). International Population Conference Montréal. Vol 3, pp. 281-291. Liège: IUSSP, 1993.


  • SRRD-74 Näsman, Elisabet, Individualization and institutionalization of childhood in present-day Europe (December 1992). "Individuation and individualization of childhood in today's Europe: A discussion of the impact of institutionalization and formalization of childhood", in Jens Quortrup et al. (eds), Childhood Matters. Aldershot: Avebury, 1994, pp. 167-187.
  • SRRD-73 Näsman, Elisabet, Parental leave in Sweden - a workplace issue? (December 1992).
  • SRRD-72 Korpi, Tomas, Employment stability following unemployment and manpower programs (December 1992).
  • SRRD-71 Hoem, Britta, Recent Changes in Family Formation in Sweden (December 1992). In Hans-Peter Blossfeld (ed.), The New Role of Women: Family Formation in Modern Societies. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995, pp. 35-55.
  • SSRD-70 Hoem, Jan M., The usefulness of moving-average graduation in the analysis of demographic time series (September 1992). Moving-average graduation and the timing of the historical demographic transition in Sweden, in Christer Lundh (ed.), Demography, Economy and Welfare, Scandinavian Population Studies 10, Lund University Press, 1995, pp. 466-475.
  • SRRD-69 Hoem, Jan M., Public policy as the fuel of fertility: Effects of a policy reform on the pace of childbearing in Sweden in the 1980s (September 1992). Acta Sociologica, 36(1), 19-31, 1993.
  • SRRD-68 Hoem, Britta, The way to the gender-segregated Swedish labour market (September 1992). In Karen O. Mason and An-Magritt Jensen (eds), Gender and Family Change in Industrialized Countries. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, pp. 278-296.
  • SRRD-67 Sundström, Marianne, The growth in full-time work among Swedish women in the 1980s (September 1992). Acta Sociologica, 36(2), 139-150, 1993.
  • SRRD-66 Bernhardt, Eva M., Working parents in Sweden: An example for Europe? (April 1992). In Human Resources in Europe at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Eurostat Conference, Luxembourg, November 27-29, 1991, pp. 231-254.


  • SRRD-65 Korpi, Tomas, Labor market policies, employment alternatives, and the probability of leaving unemployment in Sweden (December 1991). Effects of manpower policies on duration dependence in re-employment rates: The example of Sweden, Economica 62, 353-371, 1995.
  • SRRD-64 Hoem, Jan M., Trends and patterns in Swedish divorce risks 1971-1989: A case of modern demographic analysis (January 1992). La standardisation indirecte améliorée et son application à la divortialité en Suède (1971-1989), Population, 6, 1551-1568, 1991.
  • SRRD-63 Sundström, Marianne and Frank Stafford, Female labor force participation, fertility and public policy (November 1991). European Journal of Population, 8(3), 199-215, 1992.
  • SRRD-62 Hoem, Jan M., Fluttering tails in moving average graduation (January 1991). In Robert Erikson and John H. Goldthorpe (eds.), The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 107-113.


  • SRRD-61 Hoem, Jan M., Remarkable recent fertility developments in Sweden: An interpretation (1990). "Social policy and recent fertility changes in Sweden", Population and Development Review, 16, 1990, pp. 735-748.
  • SRRD-60 Hoem, Jan M., Att gifta sig om utifall att... Änkepensionen och giftermålen i december 1989 (October 1990). "To marry, just in case ...: the Swedish widow's- pension reform and the peak in marriages in December 1989", Acta Sociologica, 34, 127-135, 1991. In Befolknings- förändringar 1989, Del 3. Statistics Sweden, 1990, pp. 10-14.
  • SRRD-59E Hoem, Britta, The compatibility of employment and childbearing in contemporary Sweden (September 1992). Acta Sociologica, 36(2), 101-120, 1993.
  • SRRD-59 Hoem, Britta, Alla goda ting är tre? Tredjebarnsfödslar bland svenska kvinnor födda 1936-50 (April 1990). The compatibility of employment and childbearing in contemporary Sweden. Acta Sociologica, 36(2), 101-120, 1993.


  • SRRD-58 Hoem, Britta, Sysselsättningen under familjebildningsfasen bland svenska kvinnor födda 1936-50 (December 1989).
  • SRRD-57 Korpi, Tomas, Women's entry into employment after first birth: The effects of cohort/period and labor force experience (November 1989).
  • SRRD-56 Hoem, Jan M., Limitations of a heterogeneity technique: Selectivity issues in conjugal union disruption at parity zero in contemporary Sweden (June 1989). In Julian Adams, Albert Hermalin, David Lam, and Peter Smouse (eds), Convergent Issues in Genetics and Demography. Oxford University Press, 1990, pp. 133-153.
  • SRRD-55 Bernhardt, Eva M., Fertility and employment (April 1989). European Sociological Review, 9(1), 25-42, 1993.
  • SRRD-54 Hoem, Britta, Faktorer som påverkar tvåbarns- mödrarnas planer på vidare barnafödande (January 1989).
  • SRRD-53 Korpi, Tomas, Entry into employment after first birth; a reexamination of the transitions to full-time and part-time employment among Swedish mothers (February 1989).
  • SRRD-52 Murphy, Mike, The progression to the third birth in Sweden (May 1989). In James Trussell, Richard Hankinson, and Judith Tilton (eds.), Demographic Applications of Event History Analysis. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 141-156.


  • SRRD-51 Hoem, Britta, I vilken utsträckning har tvåbarns- mödrarna i den svenska fruktsamhetsundersökningen från 1981 fått barnen vid önskade tidpunkter och vad har det betytt för tredjebarnsfruktsamheten? (December 1988).
  • SRRD-50 Hoem, Britta, En simuleringsstudie av fördelningen till likelihoodkvottestet för en intensitetsmodell med få observationer (December 1988).
  • SRRD-49 Arjas, Elja and Pekka Kangas, A discrete time method for the analysis of event histories (September 1988).
  • SRRD-48 Klingberg, Lars, Bartlett-type correction terms for tests in intensity regression models (November 1988).
  • SRRD-47 Hoem, Britta, Early phases of family formation in contemporary Sweden (August 1988). In Margaret Rosenheim and Mark Testa (eds.), Early Parenthood and Coming of Age in the 1990s. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1992, pp. 183-199.
  • SRRD-46 Bernhardt, Eva M., Changing family ties, women's position and low fertility (September 1988). In Nora Federici, Karen Oppenheim Mason and Sølvi Sogner (eds.), Women's Position and Demographic Change. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, pp. 80-103.
  • SRRD-45 Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem, Dissolution in Sweden. The break-up of conjugal unions to Swedish women born in 1936-60 (March 1988). "The disruption of marital and nonmarital unions in contemporary Sweden", in James Trussell, Richard Hankinson, and Judith Tilton (eds.), Demographic Applications of Event History Analysis. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 61-93.


  • SRRD-44 Etzler, Cecilia, Första barnet. En demografisk studie av barnafödandet bland svenska kvinnor födda 1937-60 (December 1987).
  • SRRD-43 Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem, The Swedish family: Aspects of contemporary developments (October 1987). Journal of Family Issues, 9(3), 397-424, 1988.
  • SRRD-42 Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem, Patterns of deferment of first births in modern Sweden (September 1987).
  • SRRD-41 Bernhardt, Eva M., Labour force participation and childbearing: The impact of the first child on the economic activity of Swedish women (September 1987).
  • SRRD-40 Bernhardt, Eva M., The choice of part-time work among Swedish one-child mothers (September 1987). European Journal of Population, 4, 117-144, 1988.
  • SRRD-39 Hoem, Jan M., The issue of weights in panel surveys of individual behavior (May 1987). In Daniel Kasprzyk, Greg Duncan, Graham Kalton, and M.P. Singh (eds.), Panel Surveys. New York: Wiley, 1989, pp. 539-565.
  • SRRD-38 Hoem, Britta, Graviditetens betydelse för barnlösa svenska kvinnors civilståndsändringar (May 1987).
  • SRRD-37 Hoem, Jan M. and Per Linnemann, The tails in moving average graduation (May 1987). The Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 4, 193-229, 1988.
  • SRRD-36 Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem, The impact of female employment on second and third births in modern Sweden (April 1987). Population Studies, 43, 47-67, 1989.
  • SRRD-35 Pleiborn, Maria, Övergångar in i och ut ur utbildning bland unga svenska kvinnor födda 1936-1960 (March 1987).
  • SRRD-34 Etzler, Cecilia, Education, cohabitation and the first child: Some empirical findings from Sweden (March 1987). In Hein Moors and Jeanette Schoorl (eds.), Lifestyles, Contraception and Parenthood. The Hague/Brussels, Publications of the NIDI and the CBGS, 17, 1988, pp. 351-371.
  • SRRD-33 Bernhardt, Eva M., Continued home attachment versus transition to employment: An intensity regression analysis of Swedish one-child mothers (January 1987).
  • SRRD-32 Hoem, Britta, Sysselsättningshistoriens betydelse för tvåbarnsmödrars fortsatta barnafödande bland svenska kvinnor födda 1936-50 (January 1987).


  • SRRD-31 Borgen, Ørnulf and Jan M. Hoem, Demographic reproduction rates and the estimation of an expected total count per person in an open population (December 1986). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83 (403), 886-891, 1988.
  • SRRD-30 Hoem, Britta, Tredjebarnsfödslar bland svenska kvinnor födda 1936-50 (August 1986).
  • SRRD-29 Etzler, Cecilia, Barnafödande inom äktenskapet: Det föräktenskapliga samboendets betydelse för förstfödslar inom äktenskapet bland svenska kvinnor födda 1936-60 (January 1986).


  • SRRD-28 Bernhardt, Eva M., Women's home attachment at first birth: The case of Sweden (October 1985). European Journal of Population, 2(1), 5-29, 1986.
  • SRRD-27 Hoem, Jan M., The impact of education on modern family-union initiation (August 1985). European Journal of Population, 2, 113-133, 1986.
  • SRRD-26 Kravdal, Øystein, Flytting fra foreldrehjemmet: Regionale og sosiale forskjeller blant svenske kvinner født 1936-60 (June 1985).
  • SRRD-25 Hoem, Britta, Ett barn är inte nog. Vad har hänt med svenska ettbarnskvinnor födda 1936-60? (June 1985).


  • SRRD-24 Holmlund, Bertil, Fertility and the opportunities of children: Evidence on quantity-quality interactions in Sweden (September 1984). Scandinavian Population Studies, 7, 100-107, 1985.
  • SRRD-23 Bernhardt, Eva and Britta Hoem, Cohabitation and social background: Trends observed for Swedish women born 1936-60 (February 1985). European Journal of Population, 1, 375-395, 1985.
  • SRRD-22 Hoem, Britta, Regional utveckling i det moderna samboendet, analysmetoder och resultat (November 1984).
  • SRRD-21 Etzler, Cecilia, Första steget i familjebildningen - Gifta sig, börja sambo eller få barn: Utveckling och skillnader bland svenska kvinnor med olika social bakgrund födda 1936-60 (November 1984).
  • SRRD-20 Bernhardt, Eva, Den sociala bakgrundens betydelse för barnafödande och giftermål inom informellt samboende bland svenska kvinnor födda 1936-60 (October 1984).
  • SRRD-19 Hoem, Jan M., Marriages connected with first births among cohabiting women in the Danish fertility survey of 1975 (April 1984).
  • SRRD-18 Hoem, Jan M., Bo Rennermalm, and Randi Selmer, [revised version], Restriction biases in the analysis of births and marriages to cohabiting women from data on the most recent conjugal union only (April 1986). In Karl Ulrich Mayer and Nancy Tuma (eds.), Applications of Event History Analysis in Life Course Research. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, 1987, pp. 555-600.
  • SRRD-17 Lindberg, Bengt, A numerical algorithm for the calculation of coefficients in moving averages (March 1984).
  • SRRD-16 Hoem, Jan M., Statistical analysis of a multiplicative model and its application to the standardization of vital rates: A review (February 1984). International Statistical Review, 55, 119-152, 1987.
  • SRRD-15 Hoem, Jan M., A flaw in actuarial exposed-to-risk theory (January 1984). Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 187-194, 1984.


  • SRRD-14 Lyberg, Ingrid, The effects of sampling and nonresponse on estimates of transition intensities: Some empirical results from the 1981 Swedish fertility survey (December 1983).
  • SRRD-13 Hartmann, Michael, Past and recent experiments in modeling mortality at all ages (November 1983). Journal of Official Statistics 3, 19-36, 1987.
  • SRRD-12 Lyberg, Ingrid, Nonresponse effects on survey estimates in the analysis of competing exponential risks (April 1983).
  • SRRD-11 Hoem, Jan M., Weighting, misclassification, and other issues in the analysis of survey samples of life histories (February 1983). In James J. Heckman and Burton Singer (eds.), Longitudinal Analysis of Labor Market Data. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp.249-293.


  • SRRD-10 Hoem, Jan M., Multistate mathematical demography should adopt the notions of event-history analysis (February 1983).
  • SRRD-9 Funck Jensson, Ulla, The Feller-Kolmogorov differential equation and the state hierarchy present in models in demography and related fields (December 1982).
  • SRRD-8 Hoem, Jan M. and Bo Rennermalm, Cohabitation, marriage, and first birth among never-married Swedish women in cohorts born 1936-1960 (December 1982). Modern family initiation in Sweden: Experience of women born between 1936 and 1960, European Journal of Population 1, 81-112, 1985.
  • SRRD-7 Funck Jensen, Ulla, An elementary derivation of moment formulas for numbers of transitions in time- continous Markov chains (December 1982).
  • SRRD-6 Hoem, Jan M. and Bo Rennermalm, Biases in cohabitational nuptiality rates caused by nonobservation of periods of cohabitation before the latest: An empirical note (December 1982).
  • SRRD-5 Hoem, Jan M., The reticent trio: Some little-known early discoveries in insurance mathematics by Oppermann, Thiele, and Gram (July 1982). International Statistical Review 51, 213-221, 1983.
  • SRRD-4 Hoem, Jan M., Distortions caused by nonobservation of periods of cohabitation before the latest (May 1982). Demography, 20, 491-506, 1983.
  • SRRD-3 Hoem, Jan M., Balancing bias in vital rates due to an informative sampling plan (April 1982). Essays in honour of Tore E. Dalenius, Statistical Review 1983:5, 81-88.
  • SRRD-2 Hoem, Jan M. and Ulla Funck Jensen, Multistate life table methodology: A probabilistic critique (March 1982). In K.C. Land and A. Rogers (eds), Multidimensional Mathematical Demography. New York: Academic Press, 1982, pp. 155-264.
  • SRRD-1 Hoem, Jan M. and Randi Selmer, The interaction between premarital cohabitation, marriage, and the first two births in current Danish cohorts, 1975 (March, 1982). Demography, 21(2), 193-206, 1984