Stockholm university

Previous Working papers 2020

You can download our Stockholm Research Reports in Demography from 2020 as PDF:s here. When a working paper is published in an academic journal, we remove the working paper pdf and replace it with a link to the journal publication.

Please note that the working papers published here are not peer-reviewed. For a list of our publications in peer-reviewed journals and books by the Stockholm University Demography Unit, please see this page!

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  • SRRD 2020:52 Kolk, Martin. Government Transfers to Parents and Population Policy in a Global Perspective: an Economic Demographic Approach
  • SRRD 2020:51 Svallfors, Signe. Contraceptive Choice as Risk Reduction? The Importance of Local Violence for Uptake of Female Sterilization in Colombia. Final version published 2021 in Population Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2021.1953118
  • SRRD 2020:50 Svallfors, Signe. The Remarkable Stability of Fertility Desires during the Colombian Armed Conflict 2000–2016. Final version published 2021 in  Population, Space and Place: e2514
  • SRRD 2020:49 Saarela, Jan, Martin Kolk. Birth Order and Alcohol-related Mortality by Ethnic Origin and National Context: Within-family Comparisons for Finland and Sweden. Final version published 2021 in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108859
  • SRRD 2020:48 Uggla, Caroline, Eleonora Mussino, Siddartha Aradhya. Are Women from Man-older Unions Economically Disadvantaged Following Separation? Analysing Benefit Recipiency among Ancestral and Immigrant Mothers in Sweden 
  • SRRD 2020:47 Mussino, Eleonora, Stefano Cantalini. Multiple-origin and Multiple-destination: the Fertility of Migrants in Europe. Final version published 2024 as "Multiple Origins and Multiple Destinations: The Fertility of Immigrant Women in Europe" in Journal of International Migration and Integration, DOI: 10.1007/s12134-024-01121-4
  • SRRD 2020:46 Andersson, Gunnar. A Review of Policies and Practices Related to the “Highest-Low” Fertility of Sweden: A 2020 Update 
  • SRRD 2020:45 Samuelsson, Jonas. Partner Age Gap and Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • SRRD 2020:44 Aradhya, Siddartha, Maria Brandén, Sven Drefahl, Ognjen Obućina, Gunnar Andersson, Mikael Rostila, Eleonora Mussino, Sol P. Juárez. Lack of Acculturation Does Not Explain Excess COVID-19 Mortality among Immigrants. A Population-based Cohort Study. Final version published 2021 as "Intermarriage and COVID-19 mortality among immigrants: A population-based cohort study from Sweden" in BMJ Open, 11(9): e048952.
  • SRRD 2020:43 Svallfors, Signe. Hidden Casualties: The Links between Armed Conflict and Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia. Final version published 2021 in Politics & Gender, 1-33, DOI:10.1017/S1743923X2100043X
  • SRRD 2020:42 Khaef, Samaneh. Registration of Immigrants’ Educational Attainment in Sweden: an Analysis of Sources and Time. Final version published 2022 in Genus 78, 16
  • SRRD 2020:41 Cheng, Yen-hsin Alice, Martin Kolk. An East–West Dichotomy? Shifting Marriage Age Patterns in Taiwan and Sweden over Two Centuries. Final version published 2021 in The History of the Family, DOI:10.1080/1081602X.2021.1931404
  • SRRD 2020:40 Wallace, Matthew, Ben Wilson, Frances Darlington-Pollock. The Children of the Windrush: Social Inequalities across Multiple Domains of Life
  • SRRD 2020:39 Rostila, Mikael, Agneta Cederström, Matthew Wallace, Maria Brandén, Bo Malmberg, Gunnar Andersson. Disparities in Covid-19 Deaths by Country of Birth in Stockholm, Sweden: a Total Population Based Cohort Study. Final version published 2021 in American Journal of Epidemiology: kwab057.
  • SRRD 2020:38 Schubert, Henrik-Alexander. Encouraging Mothers: The Effect of German Regional Childcare Policies on Maternal Employment between 2006 and 2018
  • SRRD 2020:37 Cozzani,Marco, Siddartha Aradhya, Alice Goisis. The Cognitive Development from Childhood to Adolescence of Low Birth Weight Children Born after Medical Assisted Reproduction – a UK Longitudinal Cohort Study. Final version published 2021 in International Journal of Epidemiology: dyab009.  
  • SRRD 2020:36 Billingsley, Sunnee, Maria Brandén, Siddartha Aradhya, Sven Drefahl, Gunnar Andersson, Eleonora Mussino. Deaths in the Frontline: Occupation-Specific COVID-19 Mortality Risks in Sweden. Final version published in 2022 as "COVID-19 mortality across occupations and secondary risks for elderly individuals in the household: A population register-based study" in Scand J Work Environ Health, 48(1), 52-60.   
  • SRRD 2020:35 Lindström, Jonathan, Eleonora Mussino, Livia Oláh. Childbearing among Women with Polish Migrant Background in Sweden: a Combined Origin-Destination Country Approach
  • SRRD 2020:34 Oláh, Livia, Lena Karlsson, Glenn Sandström. Committed to Independence? An Exploratory Study of Living-Apart-Together (LAT) in Contemporary Sweden. Final version published 2021 in Journal of Family Issues, DOI:10.1177/0192513X211041988
  • SRRD 2020:33 Carlsson, Erik. The Realization of Short-term Fertility Intentions among Immigrants and Children of Immigrants in Norway and Sweden. Final version published 2022 in International Migration Review, DOI: 10.1177/01979183221107930
  • SRRD 2020:32 Andersson, Gunnar. Family Behavior of Migrants: An Overview. Final version published 2021 In: Schneider, N., and Kreyenfeld, M., Eds., Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family: 263-276. Research Handbooks in Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781788975544.00026
  • SRRD 2020:31 Brandén, Maria, Siddartha Aradhya, Martin Kolk, Juho Härkönen, Sven Drefahl, Bo Malmberg, Mikael Rostila, Agneta Cederström, Gunnar Andersson, Eleonora Mussino. Residential Context and COVID-19 Mortality among the Elderly in Stockholm: a Population-based, Observational Study. Final version published 2020 in Lancet Healthy Longevity 1 (2): E80-E88.
  • SRRD 2020:30 Andersson, Linus. Oh Half Brother, Where Art Thou? The Boundaries for Full- and Half Sibling Interaction. Final version published 2020 in Demographic Research 43(16): 431-460.
  • SRRD 2020:29 Ma, Li, Curt Hagquist, Annette Løvheim Kleppang. Leisure Time Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents in Sweden. Final version published 2020 in BMC Public Health 20, 997. 
  • SRRD 2020:28 Jalovaara, Marika, Linus Andersson, Anneli Miettinen. Parity Disparity: Educational Differences in Nordic Fertility across Parities and Number of Reproductive Partners
  • SRRD 2020:27 Saarela, Jan, Martin Kolk. Alcohol-related Mortality by Ethnic Origin: Findings Based on Multigenerational Population Register Data from Finland and Sweden. Final version published 2020 in BMJ Open 10:e042234.
  • SRRD 2020:26 Gähler, Michael, Livia Olah. Parental Divorce, Maternal Employment, and Attitudes to Gender Equality in Sweden
  • SRRD 2020:25 Batyra, Ewa, Ben Wilson, Ernestina Coast, Valeria Cetorelli. Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting across Africa: Dynamics of Change and Socioeconomic Variation. Final version published 2020 in BMJ Global Health: e003088.
  • SRRD 2020:24 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Linda Kridahl. Do Couples Manage Money Differently at Different Ages? A Study on What Leads to Couples’ Economic Conflicts. Final version published 2021 as "Best done differently? Couples’ money pooling and the association with economic conflicts" in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, DOI:10.1177/02654075211056561
  • SRRD 2020:23 Drefahl, Sven, Matthew Wallace, Eleonora Mussino, Siddartha Aradhya, Martin Kolk, Maria Brandén, Bo Malmberg, Gunnar Andersson. Socio-demographic Risk Factors of COVID-19 Deaths in Sweden: a Nationwide Register Study. Final version published 2020 in Nature Communications 11: 5097.
  • SRRD 2020:22 Mussino, Eleonora, Ben Wilson, Gunnar Andersson. The Fertility of Immigrants from Low Fertility Settings: Adaptation in the Tempo and Quantum of Childbearing?
  • SRRD 2020:21 Kridahl, Linda, Ann-Zofie Duvander. “Why Did You Spend Money on that?” Older Partners’ Economic Conflicts and Management of Household Money in Sweden
  • SRRD 2020:20 Saarela, Jan, Ben Wilson. Forced Migration and the Childbearing of Women and Men: a Disruption of the Tempo and Quantum of Fertility? 
  • SRRD 2020:19 Drefahl, Sven, Eleonora Mussino. How Does the Age of the Child Affect Parental Survival? Final version published 2023 in Genus, 79(10)
  • SRRD 2020:18 Weber, Rosa, Jan Saarela. Who Migrates in a Setting of Free Mobility? Assessing the Reason for Migration and Integration Patterns using Cross-national Register Data from Finland and Sweden. Final version published 2023 in European Journal of Population, 39(17).
  • SRRD 2020:17 Uggla, Caroline, Ben Wilson. Age Gaps between Partners among Immigrants and Their Descendants: Adaptation across Time and Generations? Final version published 2021 in Population Studies, doi:10.1080/00324728.2021.1998583
  • SRRD 2020:16 Saarela, Jan, Martin Kolk, Ognjen Obućina. Kinship, Heritage and Ethnic Choice: Ethnolinguistic Registration across Four Generations in Contemporary Finland
  • SRRD 2020:15 Tønnessen, Marianne, Siddartha Aradhya, Eleonora Mussino. How the War in Syria Changed the Demography of Sweden and Norway - a Demographic Butterfly Effect. Final version published 2021 in PLOS ONE 16(1): e0244670.
  • SRRD 2020:14 Aradhya, Siddartha, Raffaele Grotti, Juho Härkönen. Heterogeneous Unemployment Dynamics of Ancestral Swedes and Second-Generation Immigrants. Final version published 2023 in European Sociological Review: jcac071
  • SRRD 2020:13 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Karin Halldén, Alison Koslowski, Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist. Income Loss and Leave Taking: Do Financial Benefit Top-ups Influence Fathers' Parental Leave Use in Sweden? 
  • SRRD 2020:12 Mureşan, Cornelia, Livia Oláh. Men’s First Partnership Formation in Four Former State-Socialist Countries during the Transition Period. Final version published 2020 in Romanian Journal of Population Studies 13(2): 35-52.
  • SRRD 2020:11 Kolk, Martin, Kieron Barclay. Do Income and Marriage Mediate the Relationship between Cognitive Ability and Fertility? Data from Swedish Taxation and Conscriptions Registers for Men Born 1951-1967. Final version published 2021 in Intelligence 84: 101514
  • SRRD 2020:10 Klængur Jónsson, Ari. Friends or Foes: Semi-Formalized Cohabitation and Subsequent Marital Stability in Iceland, 1995-2013 
  • SRRD 2020:09 Turunen, Jani, Maria Brandén, Karin Lundström. Geographical Distance between Child and Parent after a Union Dissolution in Sweden 1974-2011. Final version published 2023 in Demographic Research 48(17): 439-482 
  • SRRD 2020:08 Capkova, Klara, Marika Jalovaara. Educational Disadvantages in Single Fatherhood and Single Motherhood Family Pathways
  • SRRD 2020:07 Comoli, Chiara. Resources and Aspirations during the Great Recession: the Impact on the Transition to Motherhood. Final version published 2021 in Advances in Life Course Research: 100405.
  • SRRD 2020:06 Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Eleonora Mussino, Jussi Tervola. Similar Negotiations over Childcare? A Comparative Study of Fahters' Leave Use in Finland and Sweden
  • SRRD 2020:05 Härkönen, Juho, Sunnee Billingsley, Maria Hornung. Divorce Trends in Seven Countries Over the Long Transition from State Socialism: 1981–2004. Final version published 2020 in Mortelmans D. (eds) Divorce in Europe. European Studies of Population, vol 21. Springer, Cham.
  • SRRD 2020:04 Keenan, Katherine, Kieron Barclay, and Alice Goisis. Health Outcomes of Only Children across the Life Course: an Investigation Using Swedish Register Data 
  • SRRD 2020:03 Vogiazides, Louisa, and Hernan Mondani. Geographical Trajectories of Refugees in Sweden. Uncovering Patterns and Drivers of Inter-regional (Im)mobility. Final version published 2020 in Journal of Refugee Studies: feaa074.
  • SRRD 2020:02 Wallace, Matthew, and Ben Wilson. Age Variations and Over-Coverage: Is the Migrant Mortality Advantage Merely a Data Artefact?  Final version published 2021 in Population Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2021.1877331
  • SRRD 2020:01 Dabergott, Filip. The Gendered Widowhood Effect and Social Mortality Gap