Stockholm university

The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study (HOLK)

The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study (HOLK) was designed to study the relationships between housing and childbearing. The HOLK data are a combination of survey and register data.

The sample consists of 3 600 individuals born in Sweden, divided between cohorts born in 1956, 1964 and 1974. The cohorts are selected in order to reflect different historical periods in Swedish housing policy and labor market.

The data collection was carried out during 2005 and was administered by Statistics Sweden. The method of collection was postal questionnaires with one postal follow-up and a subsequent telephone follow-up. The response rate was 62 percent or 2 242 individuals.

As a whole, the data provides a clear picture of partner biographies, education and labor market attachment, childbearing and last but not least housing biographies. Register data have been linked with additional information on the respondents, their legally married partners, and for unmarried cohabitants with children the child’s other parent. The central part of the questionnaire is the housing biographies. The housing biographies have been complemented with register data on registered moves with information on year, month and location of the move. Further, a number of attitudinal questions and questions directly linked to family, children and housing are included in the questionnaire.

Codebook Holk SRRD 2012-23 (5115 Kb)

Contextual database Holk SRRD_2011_21 (304 Kb)