Stockholm university

Research project A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law 2.0

LMNL is a unique lexicographic resource of the medieval legal language of the Nordic region and an important tool for internationalising research of the medieval laws and legal history of the Nordic countries.

Ruin of gallows hill in Visby, Gotland. Photo: Ulrika Djärv
Ruin of gallows hill in Visby, Gotland. Photo: Ulrika Djärv

LMNL presents English equivalents to legally-culturally relevant terms in the different Nordic languages and explains many of these words' usage. The Scandinavian countries are represented LMNL by the provincial laws, and their equivalent, and Iceland is for historical reasons represented by national laws.

LMNL is now being developed to include Old Swedish national laws and town laws as well as the Norwegian national law and the Danish town law. Thus, LMNL will cover all Swedish medieval law and all Nordic national laws. The aim is to provide an overview of the legal language of the medieval Nordic region, which opens up for Nordic as well as international research of Nordic medieval law, legal culture and medieval Nordic society.

Project members

Project managers


Jeff Love

Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft, Netherlands