Stockholm university

Research project A logical account of questions in inquiry

Consider a detective who investigates a burglary. She is faced by a number of pressing questions: How did the burglar get in? What was stolen? Is the strange mark on the floor a footprint from the culprit?


The detective does not know the answers to these questions, but engaging with them helps her make progress towards solving the case. 

In this example, the detective starts her inquiry by identifying a set of important questions. The detective has certain attitudes towards these questions: she wonders about them, she is curious about them, and maybe she suspends her judgment about some of them. Motivated by these attitudes, the detective starts to gather clues. By obtaining new information, she is able to answer more questions, allowing her to gradually come closer to solving the case.

Project description

Project members

Project managers

Karl Nygren


Department of Philosophy
Karl Nygren