Stockholm university

Research project A real estate price index for Gothenburg 1637–1875

After an almost unbroken, two-decade-long rise, Swedish housing prices fell sharply in 2022. But even if real estate price contractions are regarded as an important factor behind financial crises and economic recession, is our knowledge about them limited by the lack of historical data.

This project aims to reconstruct a real estate price index for Gothenburg, the second largest city in Sweden, from the early 17th century until today.

Longer real estate price series are today only available for a handful of cities worldwide. Therefore, most analyses focus on shorter time periods. This is problematic because asset price cycles are often longer than 50 years. This index will be one of the few that goes beyond the 1900s and will deepen our understanding of the real estate market's short- and long-run fluctuations. It will give us unique insights into the historical costs of urban real estate and how it has developed in Sweden from early modern times until today.

Project members

Project managers

Rodney Edvinsson


Department of Economic History and International Relations


Gustav Severin Ingman

Post doc

Department of Economic History and International Relations

Emelie Carlsson

PhD student

Department of Economic History and International Relations