Stockholm university

Research project Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems

Working with humans is incredibly difficult for robots. This project aims to develop new ways for robots and intelligent agents to understand, interact with, and adapt to the complex and collaborative ways we humans work together to get through our everyday lives.

Photo from the research: Supporting cooking new things with Furhat robot. Photo: Iolanda Leite, KTH
Supporting cooking new things with a Furhat robot. Photo: Iolanda Leite, Department of Robotics, Perception and Learning, KTH.

The goal of the project is to develop social robots that can understand human communication and behaviour and adapt their actions according to the situation. This is relevant for the development of robots in homes, in education and in health care as well as for robots working together with humans in small-scale manufacturing.

A use case scenario is an intelligent kitchen assistant that helps humans to cook and perform other chores, specifically designed for seniors. The system interacts via speech and physical collaboration and adapts its actions by a self-regulating “perception-production loop”.

This project is a collaboration between the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University, the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and the School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH) at KTH.

Project members

Project managers

Donald McMillan


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Donald McMillan

Iolanda Leite

Associate Professor

Department of Robotics, Perception and Learning, KTH

Jonas Beskow

Professor and Deputy Head of Division

Division of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH

Joakim Gustafsson

Professor and Head of Division

Division of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH

Sanna Kuoppamäki

Associate Professor

Division of Technology in Health Care, KTH

Christian Smith

Associate Professor

Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning, KTH


Sara Eriksson


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Razan Jaberibraheem

Research assistant

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Kasper Karlgren


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
