Stockholm university

Research project AfyaDx - exchanging ideas and challenges for point-of-care diagnostics

Aiming to connect researchers and stakeholders from high-income and low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to exchange ideas and challenges for point-of-care diagnostics of maternal and neonatal infection.


Accurate, accessible and affordable point-of-care diagnostics are in great need for monitoring and timely treatment of infections and diseases.

This is especially important in resource constrained settings, where access to electricity, clean water or centralized laboratories are not easily available. 

AfyaDx Network is funded through Formas (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development) and aims to connect researchers and stakeholders from high-income and  low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The network runs online fora with academics, clinicians and stakeholders from industry and governing bodies, capturing different perspectives and disciplines in the field of point-of-care diagnostics and maternal and neonatal health in resource limited settings. 

'Afya' means health in Swahili, and 'Dx' is the medical abbreviation for diagnostics. AfyaDx Network was born from long-standing collaborations between Pamme’s and and Gitaka’s research groups, based at Stockholm and Mount Kenya Universities.

Project members

Project managers

Nicole Pamme


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Nicole Pamme


Pablo Rodriguez Mateos


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Pablo Rodriguez Mateos