Stockholm university

Research project Cartographies of Hospitality: The Gendered, Racialized, and Classed Politics of Hosting

This project aims to investigate a less explored aspect of global mobility by examining the political, philosophical, cultural, experiential, and material dimensions of hospitality through empirical research.

Photo: Dimitris Vetsikas / Pixabay

It generates comparative and complementary data by documenting the evolving political contexts, exploring the ever-changing meanings, conditions, and experiences of hospitality in an era of unprecedented migration, contributing empirical data to social science and philosophical discussions.

Project members

Project managers

Fataneh Farahani


Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies
Fataneh Farahani


Yasmin Gunaratnam

Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR) / King's Collage London
Yasmin Gunaratnam

Nazli Senses

Department of Political Science and International Relations / Başkent University (Ankara)
Nazli Senses