Stockholm university

Research project Changing Nordic Drug Policies?

The five Nordic countries have all adopted quite restrictive drug policies. How will these policies be affected by changes in drug policies in a liberal direction in other countries?

The drug policies of the Nordic countries contrast against their internationally relatively liberal criminal policies. The project will describe and analyze the development of the drug policies in the five different countries in order to make an evaluation of a possible change of policies. Questions for the project are: Are there signs for a decrease in the use of penal law and criminal justice as means for regulating drug use? What arguments are used for criticizing the present policies? Which obstacles exist in terms of justifications and fears of the consequences of liberalization? Who are the actors involved in representing a defense of the present drug policy or arguing for a retreat?

Project members

Project managers

Henrik Tham

Professor emeritus

Department of Criminology
Henrik Tham


Josefin Månsson

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Social Work
Josefin Månsson. Foto: Rickard Kihlström

Patrik Karlsson


Department of Social Work
Patrik Karlsson. Foto: Sören Andersson, Stockholms universitet

Mats Ekendahl


Department of Social Work
Mats Ekendahl

Johan Edman


Department of Criminology
Johan Edman
